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  • საინჟინრო და ფიზიკური ამოცანების განყოფილების
    ხელმძღვანელი / უფროსი მეცნიერი თანამშრომელი
  • ოფისი: ოთახი 204, უნივერსიტეტის ქ.11, 0186 თბილისი, საქართველო
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  • ელ.ფოსტა:
  • სამეცნიერო ინტერესები: პლაზმის ფიზიკის თეორიული საკითხები, დედამიწის იონოსფეროს დინამიკა, არაწრფივი განმხოლოებული გრიგალური

მოკლე ინფორმაცია

დაბადების ადგილი: ქ. თბილისი, საქართველო. 1967 წელს დაამთავრა თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ფიზიკის ფაკულტეტი თეორიული ფიზიკის სპეციალობით. 1967-1998 წწ. მუ­შა­ობ­და თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ი. ვეკუას სახელობის გამოყენებითი მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტში მეცნიერ თანამშრომლად. არის ფიზიკა-მათემატიკის მეცნიერებათა დოქტო­რი (1990). 1998-2007 წწ. იყო ამავე ინსტიტუტის ლაბორატორიის გამგე. 2000 წელს და 2005-2007 წწ. არის ჩინეთის მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის მიწვე­ული პროფესორი (ქ. ნანჯინგი, "მეწამული მთის ობსერვატორია" = Purple Mountain Observatory). 2007-2014 წწ. ქ. ლაჰორის (პაკისტანი) სა­ხელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტ-კოლეჯის ფიზიკის ფაკულტეტის უცხოელი პროფესორი; 2014 წლიდან კი თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის ი. ვეკუას სახელობის გამოყე­ნებითი მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტში უფროსი მეცნიერი თანამშრომელია; 2017 წელს კვლავ ქ. ლაჰორის სა­ხელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტ-კოლეჯში კითხულობდა ლექციებს; მისი სამეცნიერო ინ­ტე­რე­სე­ბის სფეროა პლაზმის ფიზიკა; მაგნი­ტოსფეროსა და იონოსფეროს ფი­ზიკა; თერმობირთვული დანადგარების თეორია; ­მიწისძვრის წინამძღვრების თეორიული საკი­თხები; მზის ფიზიკა; არაწრფივი დინამიკა და ქაოსი; 60-იან წლებში მან სა­ქარ­თვე­ლო­ში პირველად დაიწყო ფიზიკის ამოცანების რიცხვითი გათვლების რეალიზაცია ელექტრონულ გამომთვლელ მანქანებზე, საფუძველი ჩაუყარა თერმობირთვული არამდგრადობის თეორიას რეაქტორ ტოკამაკში; აქტიურად თანამშრომლობს საზღვარგარეთის სამეცნიერო წრეებთან. არის 250-ზე მეტი სამეცნიერო ნაშრომის ავტორი, რომელთა უმრავლესობა გამოქვეყნებულია საზღვარგარეთის იმპაქტ-ფაქტორის მქონე ჟურნალებში. არის მრავალი საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენციების მონაწილე. 2002 წელს გამოქვეყნებული ნაშრომების ციკლისათვის მიენიჭა საქართველოს ეროვნული მეცნიერებათა აკადემიის ილია ვეკუას სახელობის პრემია. მისი ხელმძღვანელობით პაკისტანის სტუდენტებმა დაიცვეს 3 სამაგისტრო და 2 სადოქტორო დისერტაციები. ნაყოფიერი კვლევებისთვის მიღებული აქვს პაკისტანის მეცნიერებისა და ტექ­ნოლოგიების სამინისტროს პრემიები (2011, 2012, 2013). არის მრავალი საზღვარგარეთის და ეროვნული სამეცნიერო გრანტების ხელმძღვანელი და მონაწილე. 1991 წელს არჩეულ იქნა თბილისის საბურთალოს რაიონის საკრებულოს დეპუტატად, ხოლო შემდეგ იმავე რაიონის პრეფექტად.



  • Effect of magnetic declination on refractive index and wave polarization coefficients of electromagnetic waves in mid-latitude ionosphere, by Osman Ozcan (Speaker), Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Selçuk Sağır at The Fourth International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering, Tbilisi, Georgia, 23-26 September, 2019.
  • The effect of the changes in the southward Bz component of interplanetary magnetic field on the ionospheric conductivities, by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Ali Yesil at International Conference On Computational Method In Applied Sciences (ICCMAS 2019), Istanbul, Turkey , 12 July, 2019.
  • Generation of Zonal Flow and Magnetic Field by Planetary Waves In The Earth’s Ionosphere., by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Luba Tsamalashvili, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze at The 2d Conference on Astrophysics and Space Science (APSS 2016), Beijing, China, from 28 February to 01 March, 2016.
  • Excitation of zonal flow and magnetic field by ULF planetary waves in the earth’s ionospheric E-layer, by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Laila Kahlon, Luba Tsamalashvili at 17th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP), Lisbon,Portugal, 15-19 September, 2014.
  • Large-scale Vortices and Zonal Winds in Planetary Atmospheres/ionospheres: Theory versus Observations, by Oleg Pokhotelov (Speaker), Tamaz Kaladze, Wendell Horton, Laila Kahlon, Onishchenko Oleg at Annual Call by ISSI, Bern, Switzerland, 27-31 May, 2013.
  • Nonlinear interaction of the Rossby-Khantadze electromagnetic waves with the shear zonal winds in the ionospheric E-layer, by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Laila Kahlon, Luba Tsamalashvili at International Scientific Spring, Islamabad,Pakistan, 11-15 March, 2013.
  • Nonlinear solitary structures driven by seismo-electromagnetic emissions in the Earth’s ionosphere, by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Luba Tsamalashvili at International Workshop on Shocks, Turbulence and Nonlinear Systems joint with the International Advanced Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Studies , Eilat,Israel, 11-15 September, 2011.
  • Dynamics of the electromagnetic ion cyclotron nonlinear solitary structures in the inner magnetosphere, by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Nodar Tsintsadze, Wendell Horton, James W. Van Dam at International Congress on Plasma Physics, ICPP , Santiago,Chile, 08-13 August, 2010.
  • Zonal flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layer , by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Dejin Wu, Oleg Pokhotelov, Sagdeev Roald, Lennart Stenflo, Pradip Shukla at Mathematical Physics Proceeding of the 12th Regional Conference, Islamabad,Pakistan, from 27 March to 01 April, 2006.
  • Planetary electromagnetic waves in the ionospheric E-layer , by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker) at First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications CCPPA2003, Cairo, Egypt, 11-15 October, 2003.
  • Nonlinear Alfven-Rossby vortical structures in the earth’s atmosphere , by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker) at Workshop on “Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas”, Moscow, Russia, 06-09 September, 2000.


  • Tamaz Kaladze, Kadri Kurt, Melik Buğra Yeşil, On magnetizzed Rossby wave dynamics in the Earth’s ionosphere, arXiv:2307.07986 [], (15pp), Cornell University Press, 2023.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Amar Prasad Misra, Animesh Roy, Debjani Chatterjee, Internal Gravity Waves in the Earth’s Ionosphere, arXiv: 2201.02996v1[], (6pp), Cornell University Press , 2022.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Amar Prasad Misra, Animesh Roy, Debjani Chatterjee, Nonlinear evolution of internal gravity waves in the Earth’s ionosphere: Analytical and numerical approach, arXiv: 2110.09198v2[], (12pp), Cornell University Press , 2022.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Amar Prasad Misra, Animesh Roy, Debjani Chatterjee, Nonlinear evolution of internal gravity waves in the Earth’s ionosphere: Analytical and numerical approach, Advances in Space Research, v. 69, #9, 3374-3385, Elsevier, 2022.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, ‪Oleg Cheremnykh, Yuriy Selivanov, Serhiy Cheremnykh, Evanescent acoustic-gravity waves in a rotating stratified atmosphere, Advances in Space Research, v.69, #3, 1272-1280, Elsevier, 2022.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Ali Yesil, Osman Ozcan, Kadri Kurt, Selçuk Sağır , The Change of The Magnitude of The Electric Field Vector (Ey/E0) in The Ionosphere in The Magnetic Equator Through, Turkish Journal of Science & Technology, v. 16, #1, 31-38, Fırat University Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, 2021.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Osman Ozcan, Ali Yesil, Kadri Kurt, Selçuk Sağır , Shear flow-driven magnetized Rossby wave dynamics in the Earth's ionosphere, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik and Physik ZAMP, v. 72, #130 (17pp), Birkhäuser Verlag, 2021.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Hafeez Ur-Rehman, Shahzad Mahmood, Nonlinear periodic coupled Alfvén and ion-acoustic wave structures in plasmas, Physica Scripta, v.95, 085601, (9pp), IOP Publishing, 2020.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Laila Kahlon, Formation of Nonlinear Solitary Vortical Structures by Drift and Ion-Acoustic Waves in Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas, Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 50, No.3, p. 291—297, Springer Science+Business Media, 2020.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Electromagnetic internal gravity waves in an ideally conducting incompressible medium, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 182, Pages 177-180, Elsevier, 2019.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Shahzad Mahmood, Hafeez Ur-Rehman, Magnetoacoustic cnoidal waves and solitons in multi-ions plasmas with application to ionospheric plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, v. 26, No. 9, 092108, American Institute of Physics, 2019.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, David Kaladze, Osman Ozcan, Ali Yesil, Modified KdV equation for magnetized Rossby waves in a zonal flow of the ionospheric E-layer, Physics LettersA, v. 383, No. 32, Elsevier, 2019.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, David Kaladze, Electromagnetic Internal Gravity Waves in an Ideally Conducting Medium, 2018 XXIIIrd International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory ,pp. 35-38, IEEE, 2018.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Shahzad Mahmood, Hafeez Ur-Rehman, Fast magnetohydrodynamic cnoidal waves and solitons in electron-positron plasma, AIP Advances, v.8, No. 1, 015311, American Institute of Physics, 2018.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Laila Kahlon, Luba Tsamalashvili, Generation of zonal flows by coupled electrostatic drift and ion-acoustic waves, Physics of plasmas, v.24, No. 7, 072302, American Institute of Physics, 2017.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Generation of electrostatic drift zonal flows under the action of mean sheared flows, Physics of Plasmas, v.23, No. 12, 122306, American Institute of Physics, 2016.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Comment on “Large-scale Alfven vortices” [Phys. Plasmas 22, 122901 (2015)], Physics of Plasmas, v.23, No.3, 034703, American Institute of Physics, 2016.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Generation of Zonal Flow and Magnetic Field by Planetary Waves in the Earth’s Ionosphere, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 4 (02), 487. 2016, SCIRP, 2016.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Manana Kachakhidze, Nino Kachakhidze, A model of the generation of electromagnetic emissions detected prior to earthquakes, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, Volumes 85–86, 2015, Pages 78-81, Elsevier, 2015.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Laila Kahlon, Wendell Horton, ‪Futatani Shimpei‬, Rossby-Khantadze electromagnetic planetary waves driven by sheared zonal winds in the E-layer ionosphere, Physics of Plasmas, v.22, No.1, 012906, American Institute of Physics, 2015.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Laila Kahlon, Generation of zonal flow and magnetic field in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Plasma Physics, Volume 81, Issue 5, article id. 905810512, 12 pp., Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  • Onishchenko Oleg, Oleg Pokhotelov, Wendell Horton, Tamaz Kaladze, Rolls of the internal gravity waves in the Earth's atmosphere, Annales Geophysicae, v.32, No.2, pp 181-186, Copernicus Publications for the European Geosciences Union, 2014.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Shahzad Mahmood, Ion-acoustic cnoidal waves in plasmas with warm ions and kappa distributed electrons and positrons, Physics of Plasmas, v.21, No.3, 032306, American Institute of Physics, 2014.
  • ‪Futatani Shimpei‬, Wendell Horton, Laila Kahlon, Tamaz Kaladze, Shear flow driven Rossby-Khantadze electromagnetic planetary vortices in the ionospheric E-layer, EPL (Europhysics Letters), v.106, No.2, 29001, IOP Publishing, 2014.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Nodar Tsintsadze, James W. Van Dam , Wendell Horton, Dynamics of the Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Nonlinear Solitary Structures in the Inner Magnetosphere, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v.511, 012049, IOP Publishing, 2014.
  • Manana Kachakhidze, Nino Kachakhidze, Tamaz Kaladze, Explanation of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling System Anomalous Geophysical Phenomena on the Basis of the Model of Generation of Electromagnetic Emission Detected Before Earthquake, eprint arXiv:1407.5979, Cornell University Press , 2014.
  • Manana Kachakhidze, Nino Kachakhidze, Tamaz Kaladze, Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling System, St. Andrew The First-Called Georgian University of The Patriarchy of Georgia Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Publishing House “UNIVERSAL”, 2014.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, ‪Futatani Shimpei‬, Wendell Horton, Nonlinear propagation of Rossby-Khantadze electromagnetic planetary waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Physics of Plasmas, v.20, No. 10, 102903, American Institute of Physics, 2013.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Wendell Horton, Laila Kahlon, Oleg Pokhotelov, Generation of zonal flow and magnetic field by coupled Rossby–Alfvén–Khantadze waves in the Earth's ionospheric E-layer, Physica Scripta, v.88, No. 6, 065501, IOP Publishing, 2013.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Wendell Horton, Laila Kahlon, Oleg Pokhotelov, Onishchenko Oleg, Zonal flows and magnetic fields driven by large-amplitude Rossby-Alfvén-Khantadze waves in the E-layer ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, v.118, No. 12, 7822-7833, American Geophysical Union, 2013.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Wendell Horton, Laila Kahlon, Oleg Pokhotelov, Onishchenko Oleg, Generation of zonal flow and magnetic field by coupled Rossby–Alfvén–Khantadze waves in the Earth's ionospheric E-layer, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue B. Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, v.16b, 53-75, Tbilisi University Press, 2013.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Laila Kahlon, Luba Tsamalashvili, Excitation of zonal flow and magnetic field by Rossby–Khantadze electromagnetic planetary waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Physics of Plasmas, v.19, 022902, American Institute of Physics, 2012.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Laila Kahlon, Excitation of zonal flow and magnetic field by Rossby-Khantadze electromagnetic planetary waves in the ionospheric E-layer , International Scientific Spring 2012 (ISS-2012, National Centre for Physics, March 5-9, Islamabad, Pakistan,Abstract Book, p.97, American Institute of Physics , 2012.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Shahzad Mahmood, Acoustic nonlinear periodic (cnoidal) waves and solitons in pair-ion plasmas, Physica Scripta, v. 86, 035506, IOP Publishing, 2012.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Laila Kahlon, David Kaladze, Generation of zonal flow and magnetic field by coupled internal-gravity and alfvén waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 89, 110-119, Elsevier, 2012.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Laila Kahlon, Electromagnetic inertio-gravity waves in the Earth's ionosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, No. 7-8, 741-750, Elsevier, 2011.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mazher Shad, Generation of zonal flow in the Earth's dissipative ionospheric F-layer, Physics Letters A, Volume 375, Issue 27, Pages 2637-2638, Elsevier, 2011.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Laila Kahlon, Rossby–Khantadze electromagnetic planetary vortical motions in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Plasma Physics , Volume 77 , Issue 6 , December 2011 , pp. 813 - 828, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Electromagnetic internal gravity waves in the Earthʼs ionospheric E-layer, Physics letters A, Volume 376, Issue 2, Pages 123-124, Elsevier, 2011.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Mazher Shad, Luba Tsamalashvili, Generation of zonal flows by electrostatic drift waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, v.17, 022304, American Institute of Physics, 2010.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Oleg Pokhotelov, Mazher Shad, Drift wave driven zonal flows in electron-positron-ion plasmas, Journal of Plasma Physics, v. 76, parts 3&4, 635-643, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Archil Khantadze, Giorgi Jandieri, Tamaz Kaladze, Electromagnetic oscillations of the Earth's upper atmosphere, Annales Geophysicae, v. 28, No.7, 1387-1399, Copernicus Publications for the European Geosciences Union, 2010.
  • Nodar Tsintsadze, Tamaz Kaladze, James W. Van Dam , Wendell Horton, Nonlinear dynamics of the electromagnetic ion cyclotron structures in the inner magnetosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, A07204, American Geophysical Union, 2010.
  • James W. Van Dam , Wendell Horton, Nodar Tsintsadze, Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Some Physical Mechanisms of Precursors to Earthquakes, J. Plasma Fusion Res. SERIES, Vol. 8, Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, 2009.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Nita H. Shah, Ghulam Murtaza, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mazher Shad, Giorgi Jandieri, Influence of non-monochromaticity on zonal-flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Plasma Physics,Volume 75 ,Issue 3 ,pp. 345 - 357, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Nodar Tsintsadze, Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Excitation of Rossby waves by HF electromagnetic seismic origin emissions in the earth's mesosphere, Volume 71, Issues 17–18, December 2009, Pages 1858-1863, Elsevier, 2009.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Oleg Pokhotelov, Lennart Stenflo, Jemal Rogava, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mikheil Tsiklauri, Zonal flow interaction with Rossby waves in the Earth's atmosphere: A numerical simulation, Physics Letters A, Vol: 372, Issue: 31, Page: 5177-5180, Elsevier, 2008.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Wendell Horton, James W. Van Dam , Zonal flow generation by internal gravity waves in the atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 113, Issue A8, CiteID A08312, American Geophysical Union, 2008.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Oleg Pokhotelov, Nita H. Shah, Lennart Stenflo, Acoustic-gravity waves in the Earth's ionosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol: 70, Issue: 13, Page: 1607-1616, Elsevier, 2008.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Wendell Horton, James W. Van Dam , A method for the intensification of atomic oxygen green line emission by internal gravity waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 113, A12307, American Geophysical Union, 2008.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Dejin Wu, Luba Tsamalashvili, Giorgi Jandieri, Localized magnetized Rossby structures under zonal shear flow in the ionospheric E-layer, Physics Letters A, Volume 365, Issues 1–2, 21 May 2007, Pages 140-143, Elsevier, 2007.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Dejin Wu, Oleg Pokhotelov, Sagdeev Roald, Lennart Stenflo, Pradip Shukla, Rossby-wave driven zonal flows in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Plasma Physics , Volume 73 , Issue 1 , February 2007 , pp. 131 - 140, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Dejin Wu, Luyi Yang, Small-scale drift-Alfven wave driven zonal flows in plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, Volume 14, Issue 3, article id. 032305 8 pp. (2007), American Institute of Physics, 2007.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Oleg Pokhotelov, Lennart Stenflo, Giorgi Jandieri, Electromagnetic inertio-gravity waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Physica Scripta, Volume 76, Issue 4, pp. 343-348 (2007), IOP Publishing, 2007.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Jemal Rogava, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mikheil Tsiklauri, Implicit difference scheme for the numerical resolution of the Charney-Obukhov equation with variable coefficients, Bulletin of TICMI, v. 11, 31-37, 2007, Tbilisi University Press, 2007.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Wendell Horton, Synoptic-scale nonlinear stationary magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Plasma Physics Reports, v.32, No.12/December, 996-1006, 2006., Springer, 2006.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Jemal Rogava, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mikheil Tsiklauri, First- and second-order accurate implicit difference schemes for the numerical resolution of the generalized Charney–Obukhov and Hasegawa–Mima equations, Journal of Plasma Physics ,Volume 72,Issue 6,December 2006 , pp.1045 - 1048, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Zonal flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E-layer , 12th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics ( Islamabad, Pakistan, March 27 – April 1, 2006 ), World Scientific, 2006.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Oleg Pokhotelov, Sagdeev Roald, Lennart Stenflo, Pradip Shukla, Drift wave driven zonal flows in plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, Volume 12, Issue 12, article id. 122311 6 pp. (2005), American Institute of Physics, 2005.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Jemal Rogava, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mikheil Tsiklauri, Investigation and numerical resolution of initial-boundary value problem for the generalized Charney–Obukhov and Hasagewa–Mima equations, Physics Letters A,Vol: 343, Issue: 1, Page: 199-215, Elsevier, 2005.
  • Jemal Rogava, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mikheil Tsiklauri, Tamaz Kaladze, First and second-order accurate implicit difference schemes for the Carney-Obukhov equation, Physics Letters A, Vol. 328/1, pp.51-64, Elsevier, 2004.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Giorgi Aburjania, Oleg Kharshiladze, Wendell Horton, Theory of magnetized Rossby waves in the ionospheric E layer, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, A05302 (1-14), American Geophysical Union, 2004.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Jemal Rogava, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mikheil Tsiklauri, First- and second-order accurate implicit difference schemes for the Charney–Obukhov equation, Physics Letters A,Vol: 328, Issue: 1,Page: 51-64, Elsevier, 2004.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Jemal Rogava, Luba Tsamalashvili, Mikheil Tsiklauri, On numerical resolution and uniqueness of solution of initial-boundary value problem for the generalized Charney-Obukhov equation, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics Vol. 19, N1, Tbilisi University Press, 2004.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Oleg Pokhotelov, Sagdeev Roald, Lennart Stenflo, Pradip Shukla, Planetary electromagnetic waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,Vol: 65,Issue: 6,Page: 757-764, Elsevier, 2003.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Tamaz Kaladze, Archil Khantadze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, New generation mechanism of the planetary-scale internal vortical electric field in the Eart’s ionosphere, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society. Issue B. Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma. V.8B. P.122-135, Tbilisi University Press, 2003.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Nonlinear Alfven–Rossby vortical structures in the Earth's ionosphere, Physics Letters A ,Volume 287, Issues 1–2, 20 August 2001, Pages 137-142, Elsevier, 2001.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, New solution for nonlinear pancake solitary Rossby vortices, Physics Letters A ,Volume 270, Issues 1–2, 22 May 2000, Pages 93-95, Elsevier, 2000.