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  • გამოთვლითი მათემატიკისა და მოდელირების განყოფილების
    უფროსი მეცნიერი თანამშრომელი
  • ოფისი: ოთახი 227, უნივერსიტეტის ქ.11, 0186 თბილისი, საქართველო
  • ტელეფონი: 995-595-331
  • ელ.ფოსტა:
  • სამეცნიერო ინტერესები: უდს პლანეტარული ელექტრომაგნიტური შეშფოთებები, კოსმოსური ამინდი, ფიზიკური პროცესების მათემატიკური მოდ

მოკლე ინფორმაცია

ხათუნა ელბაქიძეს მიენიჭა გამოყენებითი მათემატიკოსის კვალიფიკაცია მათემატიკური მოდელირების მიმართულებით 1999 წელს ივ. ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის მიერ. 2006 წელს დაიცვა სადოქტორო დისერტაცია თემაზე „წრვივი და არაწრფივი ტალღური პროცესების მათემატიკური მოდელირება იონოსფეროში“. 2000 წლიდან მუშაობს ი.ვეკუას სახელობის გამოყენებითი მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტში სხვადასხვა პოზიციებზე. ამჟამად არის მათემატიკურ მოდელირების განყოფილების უფროსი მეცნიერ თანამაშრომელი. 2004 წლიდან დღემე ასევე მუშაობს მ. ნოდიას სახელობის გეოფიზიკის ინსტიტუტში ატმოსფერული ფიზიკის განყოფილებაში. 2015-2019 წლებში მუშაობდა სამხედრო სამეცნიერო ტექნიკურ ცენტრ „დელტაში“ ზემოქმედების ჯგუფის უფროსად. მონაწილეობდა არაერთ ადგილობრივ და საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო საგრანტო პროექტებში. ევროკომისიის მეშვიდე ჩარჩო პროგრამის ფარგლებში იმყოფებოდა სამეცნიერო სტაჟირებაზე კალაბრიის უნივერსიტეტსა (იტალია) და ქ. გრაცის კოსმოსური კვლევების ცენტრში (ავსტრია). გამოქვეყნებული აქვს 90-ზე მეტი სამეცნიერო სტატია, გაკეთებული აქვს მოხსენებები 50-ზე მეტ სამეცნიერო თემატურ კონფერენციაზე. მიღებული აქვს სხვადასხვა ჯილდოები: ახალგაზრდა მეცნიერთათვის საპრეზიდენტო სტიპენდია, საქართველოს გეოფიზიკოსთა ასოციაციის ჯილდო ახალგაზრდა მეცნიერთათვის, ჯორჯ სოროსის სტიპენდია, ფულადი პრემია ISAP2007 იაპონიის მეცნიერებათა აკადემიისგან საუკეთესო ნაშრომისათვის. ჩართულია სამეცნიერო ღონისძიებების პროგრამულ და საორგანიზაციო კომიტეტებში, და წლების განმავლობაში კითხულობს ლექციებს სხვადასხვა უნივერსიტეტებში.



  • Influence of the Solar activity on the Earth’s Climate Change via turbulence, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at Mediteranean Geosciences Union (MEDGU), Istanbul, Turkey, 27-30 November, 2023.
  • Investigating the possibility of a solar activity minimum, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at Mediteranean Geosciences Union (MEDGU) , Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, 27-30 November, 2023.
  • SOLAR ACTIVITY INFLUENCE ON THE CLIMATE VIA MAGNETIC TURBULENCE, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at International Scientific Conference "Geophysical Processes in the Earth and its Envelopes" Proceedings, Tbilisi, Georgia, 16-17 November, 2023.
  • Magnetic fluctuations in the terrestrial magnetosheath, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Luca Sorriso Valvo, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Oleg Kharshiladze at 17th European Space weather week, Glasgow, UK, 25-29 October, 2021. (სტენდური)
  • Superdiffusive Transport in the Geospace Environments with Shear Flows, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at “6th International Conference on Atomic Physics and Nuclear Physics”, Rome, Italy, 18-20 November, 2019.
  • Self-organization of the low frequency internal gravity wavy perturbations into the nonlinear vortex structures in the ionosphere at interaction with local nonuniform winds, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at Partially Ionised Plasmas in Astrophysics 2019 (PIPA2019), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 03-07 June, 2019.
  • SUPERDIFFUSIVE TRANSPORT IN ASTROPHYSICAL PLASMAS WITH SHEAR FLOWS, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at XXXIII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics., Tbilisi, Georgia, 23-25 April, 2019.
  • Nonlinear dynamics of the solitary vortices and the wave structures in the complex media, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Jemal Rogava, Oleg Kharshiladze at 4th International Conference on Physics, Berlin, Germany, 17-19 September, 2018.
  • Parametrization of Low Frequency Internal-Gravity Waves in the Shear Flow Driven Ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze, Qetevan Gomiashvili, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Nodar Javakhishvili at European Planetary Science Congress 2018, Berlin, Germany, 16-21 September, 2018. (სტენდური)
  • Intensification of internal gravity waves in the atmosphere ionosphere at interaction with non-uniform shear winds. , by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at IX Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 03-07 September, 2018.
  • Low frequency Internal Gravity Wavy Structures in the shear flow driven ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker) at Advanced studies “waves on the lakes”, Como Lake, Italy, from 27 May to 01 June, 2018.
  • Theoretical and experimental investigation of the features of internal gravity waves in the shear flow driven ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at XXXII International Enlarged Sessions of Ilia Vekua, VIAM TSU, Tbilisi, Georgia. , 18-22 April, 2018.
  • Numerical Analysis of the vortex structures and experimental data analysis in the magnetotail plasma flows, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at ESWW14 – 14th Space Weather Week, Oostende, Belgium, from 27 November to 12 January, 2017. (სტენდური)
  • Generation of Zonal Flow and Magnetic Field by Planetary Waves In The Earth’s Ionosphere., by Tamaz Kaladze (Speaker), Luba Tsamalashvili, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze at The 2d Conference on Astrophysics and Space Science (APSS 2016), Beijing, China, from 28 February to 01 March, 2016.
  • Nonlinear generation of zonal flows and large scale magnetic fields by ULF waves and modeling of mutual transformation of these waves in the ionosphere, analysis of satellite data, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Prague, Czech Republic, from 22 June to 07 February, 2015.
  • Self-organization of ULF electromagnetic wave structures in the shear flow driven dissipative ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at U.R.S.I. Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. Kleinheubacher Tagung 2014, Miltenberg, Germany, from 29 September to 01 October, 2014.
  • Large Scale Zonal Flows’ And Magnetic Field Generation By Small Scale Turbulence In The Ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker) at IVth Internationl conference of the Mechanical Union, Kutaisi, Georgia, 08-11 November, 2013.
  • On the detection of a vortex chain in the Earth’s magnetotail, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Oleg Kharshiladze at EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April, 2013.
  • Generation and self--organization of ULF electromagnetic wave structures in the shear flow driven ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker) at 19th Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, 23-28 April, 2012.
  • The interaction of planetary Rossby wave structures with inhomogeneous geomagnetic field and sheared wind in the upper atmosphere, by Giorgi Aburjania (Speaker), Khatuna Elbakidze at The 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES II TG4 International workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-19 February, 2011.
  • Shear flow induced Alfven wave generation and mutual transformation into drift waves and vise versa in the ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker) at IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy) International Symposium "Space weather and its effects on Spacecraft" , Cairo, Egypt, 05-09 October, 2008.
  • Alfven wave generation and mutual transformation into drift waves at interaction with local inhomogeneous shear flows in the Earth Upper Atmosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker) at IAU Symposium 257 – Universal Heliophysical Processes 257, Greece, Ioannina, 15-19 September, 2008.
  • Ultra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Wave’s dynamics at interaction with local inhomogeneous winds, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker) at UN/ESA/NASA/JAXA Workshop on the International Heliophysical Year 2007 and Basic Space Science "First Results from the International Heliophysical Year 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 02-06 June, 2008.
  • – Long-Scale Planetary Ultra-Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Structures in F-region of the Spherical Dissipative Ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker) at ISAP2007, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan, 20-24 August, 2007.
  • Dynamics of the Global Weather-Forming ULF Electromagnetic Wave Structures in the ionosphere, by Khatuna Elbakidze (Speaker), Giorgi Aburjania, Archil Khantadze at 3rd IAGA/ICMA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy / International Commission on middle Atmosphere) Workshop on “Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System”, Varna, Bulgaria, 18-21 September, 2006.
  • ULF Electromagnetic Wavy Structures in F-region of the Spherical Ionosphere Caused from Inhomogeneity of the Geomagnetic Field, by Giorgi Aburjania (Speaker), Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Giorgi Jandieri at International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP’04), Sendal, Japan, 19-21 August, 2004.


  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, SOLAR ACTIVITY INFLUENCE ON THE CLIMATE VIA MAGNETIC TURBULENCE., "Geophysical Processes in the Earth and its Envelopes" Proceedings, ISBN 978-9941-36-147-0,, TSU Press, 2023.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, CARBONATE PRECIPITATION AND NITROGEN FIXATION IN AMG (ARTIFICIAL MARTIAN GROUND) BY CYANOBACTERIA, Life Sci Space Res (Amst). 2023 May;37:65-77., NIH - National Library of Medicine, 2023.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Alexandre Gurchumelia, Luca Sorriso Valvo, Oleg Kharshiladze, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Comparing quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular configuration in the terrestrial magnetosheath: multifractal analysis, Frontiers in physics, V 10, Frontiers Media S.A., 2022.
  • Diana Kvaratskhelia, Demuri Demetrashvili, Khatuna Elbakidze, Luca Sorriso Valvo, Turbulent Mixing Numerical Study in the Black Sea Basin Using Modified Version of the Pacanowski–Philander Formulation, Bulletin of TICMI Vol. 25, No. 01, 2021, 3{19, Tbilisi University Press, 2021.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Gaetsno Zimbardo, Energy Transfer by Internal-Gravity Wavy Structures in the Upper Atmosphere with the shear flow., Bulletin of TICMI, V. 24, No. 1, Tbilisi University Press, 2020.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Oleg Kharshiladze, Global Weather-Forming ULF Electromagnetic Nonlinear Vortex Stuctures in the Shear Flow Driven Ionosphere Plasma, International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“, Proceedings, V 6, Akaki Tsereteli University Press, 2019.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Alexandre Gurchumelia, Oleg Kharshiladze, Luca Sorriso Valvo, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Sign singularity of the local energy transfer in space plasma turbulence, Front. Phys., 20 August 2019 , Frontiers, 2019.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Intensification of the LF IG Wave Structures in the Ionospheric Plasma at Interaction with Nonuniform Winds, nternational Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, November 13-14, 2018. P.9-12. 2018, Conference Series, 2018.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Qetevan Gomiashvili, Nodar Javakhishvili, Gaetsno Zimbardo, Parametrization of Low Frequency Internal-Gravity Waves in the Shear Flow Driven Ionosphere, Vol. 12, EPSC2018-4, 2018, European Planetary Science Congress, 2018.
  • Diana Kvaratskhelia, Khatuna Elbakidze, Demuri Demetrashvili, Numerical Investigation of the Upper Biologically Acting Turbulent Layer of the Black Sea., International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“, Proceedings, Akaki Tsereteli University Press, 2018.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Intensification of the LF IG Wave Structures in the Ionospheric Plasma at Interaction with Nonuniform Winds, Proceedings of The IIER Conferences - International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM), November 13-14, 2018. P.9-12. 2018, THEIIER, 2018.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Diana Kvaratskhelia, GLOBAL WEATHER-FORMING ULF ELECTROMAGNETIC NONLINEAR VORTEX STUCTURES IN THE SHEAR FLOW DRIVEN IONOSPHERE PLASMA, Proceedings, ISSN 1512-1976, v. 6, Kutaisi, Georgia, 21-22 September, 2018, International Scientific Conference „Modern Problems of Ecology“, 2018.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Gaetsno Zimbardo, Parametrization of Internal-Gravity Waves in the Ionosphere with Nonuniform Shear Flow, Bulletin of TICMI Vol. 22, No. 1, 2018, 11–23, Tbilisi University Press, 2018.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Gaetsno Zimbardo, Diana Kvaratskhelia, Linear Evolution of IGW Structures in the Ionospheri Plasma at Interaction with Shear Flows, Bulletin of TICMI Vol. 23, No. 1, 2019, 67–75, Tbilisi University Press, 2018.
  • Oleg Kharshiladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Numerical model for zonal flow generation by magnetized Rossby waves in the ionosphere with the background shear flow, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy volume 57, pages207–216 (2017), Springer, 2017.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Generation of Zonal Flow and Magnetic Field by Planetary Waves in the Earth’s Ionosphere, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 4 (02), 487. 2016, SCIRP, 2016.
  • Gogi Pantsulaia, Khatuna Elbakidze, Givi Giorgadze, On a linear non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation of the higher order whose coefficients are real-valued simple step functions, arXiv:1505.06247 [math.CA], Arxiv, 2015.
  • Oleg Kharshiladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Zonal Flow and Stremaer Generation by Small – Scale Drift-Alfven Waves in Ionosphere Plasma, JOURNAL OF THE GEORGIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 17(C)., Tbilisi University Press, 2015.
  • Oleg Kharshiladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Investigation of the Strong Turbulence in the Geospace Environment, Adv. Radio Sci., 13, 243–250, 2015, U.R.S.I, 2015.
  • Nodar Varamashvili, Khatuna Elbakidze, Mass-movement and seismic processes study using Burridge-Knopoff laboratory and mathematical models, JOURNAL OF THE GEORGIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 18(18)., Tbilisi University Press, 2015.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Gaetsno Zimbardo, Evolution of Weather forming ULF electromagnetic structures in the ionospheric shear flows, JOURNAL OF THE GEORGIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 16, 89–110., Tbilisi University Press, 2014.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Oleg Kharshiladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Self_Organization of Internal Gravity Wave Structures in an Inhomogeneous Ionosphere: 2. Nonlinear Vortex Structures, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy volume 53, pages750–760 , Springer, 2013.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Oleg Kharshiladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Linear Mechanism of Generation and Intencification of Internal Gravity Waves in the Ionosphere at Their Interaction with a Nonuniform Zonal Wind: 2. Internal gravity wave generation and intensificatio, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy; Dordrecht Vol. 53, Iss. 4, (Jul 2013): 471-478, Springer, 2013.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Linear Mechanism of Generation and Intencification of Internal Gravity Waves in the Ionosphere at Their Interaction with a Nonuniform Zonal Wind: 1. Model of the Medium and Initial Dynamic Equations. , Geomagnetism and Aeronomy; Dordrecht Vol. 53, Iss. 3, (May 2013): 362-366., Springer, 2013.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Weather Forming Ultra Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves at Interaction with Local Inhomogeneous Winds in the Ionosphere., Sun and Geosphere, 2013; 8(1): 51-54 I, SRTI-BAS, 2013.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Shear Flow Energy Redistribution Stipulated by the Internal-Gravity Wavy Structures in the Dissipative Ionosphere, Advances in Space Research 52(1):177–191, Elsevier, 2013.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Generation, intensification and self-organization of internal-gravity wave structures in the Earth’s ionosphere with directional wind shear, JOURNAL OF THE GEORGIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, 15, 65–94., Tbilisi University Press, 2013.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Oleg Kharshiladze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Self-organization of internal gravity wave structures in an inhomogeneous ionosphere: 1. Nonlinear model dynamic equations, Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Volume 53, Issue 5, pp.650-654, Springer, 2013.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Self_Organization of large_Scale ULF Electromagnetic Wave Structures in E region of the ionosphere at interaction with inhomgeneous zonal winds, Plasma Physics Reports, 2011, V. 37, № 2, P. 199–213. 2011, Springer, 2011.
  • Gaetsno Zimbardo, Luca Sorriso Valvo, Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Magnetic turbulence in the geospace environment, Space Science Reviews 156(1):89-134, Springer, 2010.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Self_Organization of large_Scale ULF Electromagnetic Wave Structures in Their Interaction with Nonuniform Zonal Winds in the Ionospheric E Region, Plasma Physics Reports . Feb2011, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p177-190. 14p, Springer, 2010.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Gaetsno Zimbardo, Khatuna Elbakidze, Large-scale zonal flow and magnetic field generation due to drift-Alfven turbulence in ionosphere plasma, Planetary and Space Science Volume 57, Issue 12, October 2009, Pages 1474-1484, Elsevier, 2009.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Gaetsno Zimbardo, Khatuna Elbakidze, Model of strong stationary vortex turbulence in space plasmas, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 16, 11–22, 2009, Copernicus, 2009.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Dynamics of the large-scale ULF electromagnetic wave structures in the ionosphere, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 69, Issue 17-18, p. 2428-2441, Elsevier, 2007.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Generation Mechanism and Propagation Features of the Ionospheric Weather Forming ULF Electromagnetic Wave Structures, Sun and Geosphere, v 1, N 2, P. 25-27. , BAS, 2006.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Archil Khantadze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Generation and Propagation of the ULF planetary-scale electromagnetic wavy structures in the ionosphere, Planetary and Space Science Volume 53, Issue 9, August 2005, Pages 881-901, Elsevier, 2005.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Archil Khantadze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, Dynamics of the new modes of the low-frequency planetary-scale electromagnetic wave structures in the ionosphere., Annales Geophysicae. V.22. No 4. P. 508-517, EGU, 2004.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Giorgi Jandieri, Oleg Kharshiladze, New physical and mathematical models for generation of large-scale internal vortical electric fields in the ionosphere. , Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 2004. IEEE. V.1., P. 914 – 917., IEEE, 2004.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Generation of Ultra Low – Frequency Electromagnetic Planetary Wave Structures in F-Region in the Spherical Ionosphere, Bulletin of GAS, V 169, N 3, p 484, Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2004.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Tamaz Kaladze, Archil Khantadze, Khatuna Elbakidze, Oleg Kharshiladze, New generation mechanism of the planetary-scale internal vortical electric field in the Eart’s ionosphere, Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society. Issue B. Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma. V.8B. P.122-135, Tbilisi University Press, 2003.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Archil Khantadze, On the large-scale waves of electromagnetic nature at ionospheric levels, Izvestia of RAS. Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean. V. 39. № 4. P. 536-541, RAS, 2003.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Low-frequency planetary-scale electromagnetic waves in E-region of the ionosphere, Bulleten of Georgian Academy of Sciences. V. 167. No 3. P. 428-431. , Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2003.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Nonlinear Evolution of Ultra-Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Waves in the Ionosphere Connected with the Earthquakes for a Spherical Earth Model, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar , 2002.
  • Giorgi Aburjania, Khatuna Elbakidze, Propagation of the Planetary-Scale wave Disturbances in the Ionosphere , Applied Mathematics and Informatics; V.7. № 2. P. 1-17. 2002, Tbilisi University Press, 2002.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, Dynamics of nonlinear electromagnetic vortex structures in the ionospheric F-layer, Journal of the GGS, Issue (b) Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, v. 7, pp. 69-77, Tbilisi University Press, 2002.
  • Khatuna Elbakidze, The specific origination of large-scale (planetary, with a length of and longer) ultra-low-frequency (ULF) electromagnetic wave structures in the dissipative -region of the ionosphere has been stud, Journal of the GGS, Issue (b), Physics of Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Plasma, v. 7, pp. 78-87, 2002, Tbilisi University Press, 2002.