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ბესიკი დუნდუა

  • პროგრამირების განყოფილების
    უფროსი მეცნიერი თანამშრომელი
  • ოფისი: ოთახი 201, უნივერსიტეტის ქ.11, 0186 თბილისი, საქართველო
  • ტელეფონი: 555373216
  • ელ.ფოსტა:
  • სამეცნიერო ინტერესები: კომპიუტერული ლოგიკა

მოკლე ინფორმაცია

ბესიკ დუნდუა მეცნიერ თანამშრომელია გამოყენებითი მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტში და ასოცირებული პროფესორია ქუთაისის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტში. მისი კვლევის ინტერესი ეხება თეორიული კომპიუტერული მეცნიერების სხვადასხვა საკითხს. მან დოქტორის ხარისხი მიიღო კომპიუტერულ მეცნიერებებში პორტოს უნივერსიტეტიდან (პორტუგალია). შემდეგ იყო პოსტ-დოქტორანტი და მიწვეული მკვლევარი ბრაზილიაში (ბრაზილიის უნივერსიტეტში), ავსტრიაში (ლინცის იოჰანეს კეპლერის უნივერსიტეტში) და გერმანიაში (შტუტგარტის უნივერსიტეტში). მისი შრომები ეხება დეკლარაციული პროგრამირების, კომპიუტერული ლოგიკის და ფორმალური ენების საკითხებს: ფორმალიზმების საფუძვლებს, გამოთვლების მექანიზმებს და იმპლემენტაციას. ამ თემებზე მას ავსტრიის, ბრაზილიის, გერმანიის, ესპანეთის, იაპონიის, პორტუგალიის, რუმინეთის, საფრანგეთის და საქართველოს უნივერსიტეტებში მომუშავე კოლეგებთან ერთად გამოქვეყნებული აქვს 30-ზე მეტი სტატია და შედეგები მოხსენებული აქვს 40-ზე მეტ კონფერენციაზე.

ქუთაისის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტში გადმოსვლამდე ბესიკ დუნდუა იყო პროფესორი და კომპიუტერული მეცნიერებების საბაკალავრო, სამაგისტრო და სადოქტორო პროგრამების კოორდინატორი შავი ზღვის საერთაშორისო უნივერსიტეტში. კითხულობდა ლექციებს კომპიუტერული მეცნიერებების სხვადასხვა დარგში როგორც საქართველოში, ასევე საზღვარგარეთ. ჩართული იყო ეროვნული და საერთაშორისო დაფინანსების მქონე რამდენიმე კვლევით პროექტში კომპიუტერული ლოგიკის, წესებზე დაფუძნებული პროგრამირების და ფორმალური ენების დარგში და ხშირად ხელმძღვანელობდა მათ. მიღებული აქვს ოთხი სპეციალური ჯილდო ახალგაზრდა მეცნიერთათვის: საპრეზიდენტო სტიპენდია 2010 წელს, ალექსანდრე ქართველიშვილის სტიპენდია 2019 წელს და რუსთაველის ფონდის კვლევითი გრანტი 2015 და 2018 წლებში.



  • About verification techniques of cyber-physical systems, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Besik Dundua, Tatia Dundua at XXXVIII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi, Georgia, 22-24 April, 2024.
  • CLP(MS): Programming Using Multiple Similarity Constraints ., by Besik Dundua (Speaker) at XIII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 04-09 September, 2023.
  • Higher-Order Unification with Regular Types, by Besik Dundua (Speaker) at XXXVII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-22 April, 2023.
  • Probabilistic Unranked Predicate Logic, by Lali Tibua (Speaker), Mikheil Rukhaia, Besik Dundua at XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, from 29 August to 03 September, 2022.
  • PρLog: A Language for Exact and Approximate Reasoning, by Besik Dundua (Speaker) at 6th International Conference on Mathematics: An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians., Istanbul, Turkey, 21-24 June, 2022.
  • Universal first-order safety properties, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Ana Idadze, Helmut Seidl at XXXVI International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University , Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-21 April, 2022.
  • A Rule-based System for Computation and Deduction in Mathematica, by Mircea Marin (Speaker), Temur Kutsia, Besik Dundua at International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications, Dublin, Ireland , 20-22 October, 2020.
  • Post-Quantum Cryptosystems and Their Formal Analysis, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Sedat Akleylek, Besik Dundua at 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Computer Engineering and Science, Karabük, Türkiye (online), 03-05 June, 2020.
  • Probabilistic programming in PρLog, by Besik Dundua (Speaker) at XXXIV International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi, Georgia, 22-24 April, 2020.
  • Specification and Analysis of ABAC Policies in a Rule-Based Framework, by Mircea Marin (Speaker), Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mikheil Rukhaia at International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering, Tbilisi, Georgia, 23-26 September, 2019.
  • Extending theρLog Calculus with Proximity Relations, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Temur Kutsia, Cleo Pau at International ConferenceonApplications of Mathematics and Informatics inNatural Sciences and Engineering, Tbilisi, Georgia, 23-26 September, 2019.
  • Towards a Georgian Controlled Language in Crisis Management, by Besik Dundua (Speaker) at Thirteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Batumi, Georgia, 16-20 September, 2019.
  • Unranked Nominal Unification, by Temur Kutsia (Speaker), Besik Dundua, Mikheil Rukhaia at Thirteenth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Batumi, Georgia, 16-20 September, 2019.
  • Variadic Equational Matching, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Temur Kutsia, Martin Matin at 12th Conferenceon Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2019), Prague, Czech Republic, 08-12 July, 2019.
  • Towards Integrating Attribute-Based Access Control into Ontologies, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Besik Dundua at IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lviv, Ukraine, 01-06 July, 2019.
  • A Rule-based Approach to the Decidability of Safety of ABACα, by Mircea Marin (Speaker), Temur Kutsia, Besik Dundua at The ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2019), Toronto, Canada , 03-06 June, 2019.
  • Solving Hedge Regular Language Equations, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Mircea Marin at IX Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union Dedicated to 100th Anniversary of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Batumi, Georgia, 03-08 September, 2018.
  • Towards Protocol Analysis in Pρlog, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Besik Dundua, Khimuri Rukhaia at Workshop on Practical and Theoretical Aspects of Cryptography and Information Security, Tbilisi, Georgia, 06-09 December, 2017.
  • Unranked Tableaux Calculus for Web Related Applications, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Mikheil Rukhaia, Lia Kurtanidze at IEEE First Ukraine Conferenceon Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kiev, Ukraine , from 29 May to 02 June, 2017.
  • Combining Logic Programming and Second-Order Conditional Rewriting, by Besik Dundua (Speaker) at IEEE First Ukraine Conferenceon Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kiev, Ukraine, from 29 May to 02 June, 2017.
  • Solving Hedge Regular and Context Regular Inequalities, by Besik Dundua (Speaker) at Oberseminarder Theorie, Stuttgart, Germany, 21-22 February, 2017.
  • An Overview of PρLog , by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Temur Kutsia, Klaus Reisenberger-Hagmayer at International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, Paris,France , 16-21 January, 2017.
  • PρLog: Combining Logic Programming with Conditional Transformation Systems, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Temur Kutsia, Klaus Reisenberger-Hagmayer at 32nd International Conference on Logic Programming, New York City, USA, 16-21 October, 2016.
  • A for Equations over Sequences and Contexts, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Mariam Beriashvili at The fourth International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications (ICCSAMA 2016), Vienna, Austria , 02-03 May, 2016.
  • Lambda Calculus with Regular Types, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Temur Kutsia, Mario Florido at International Symposium on Symbolic and Numerical Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, 21-24 September, 2015.
  • Declarative Programming with Sequence and Context Variables, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Mario Florido, Temur Kutsia at VII Workshop de Matemática Aplicada, Brasilia, Brazil , 05-06 February, 2015.
  • Constraint Logic Programming for Hedges: aSemantic Reconstruction, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Mario Florido, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin at International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, Kanazawa, Japan , 04-06 June, 2014.
  • A Confluent Pattern Calculus withHedge Variables, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Sandra Alves, Mario Florido, Temur Kutsia at TheSecondInternational Workshopon Confluence, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 27-28 June, 2013.
  • A Rule-Based Approach to XML Processing and Web Reasoning, by Besik Dundua (Speaker), Jorge Coelho, Mario Florido, Temur Kutsia at International ConferenceonWeb Reasoning and RuleSystems A Rule-Based Approach to XML, Bressanone/Brixen, Italy, 23-24 September, 2010.


  • Besik Dundua, Sedat Akleylek, Handbook of Formal Analysis and Verification in Cryptography, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2023.
  • Steffen Lempp, Besik Dundua, Gianluca Della Vedova, Florin Manea., . Unity of Logic and Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, springer, 2023.
  • David García-Retuerta, Besik Dundua, Mariam Dedabrishvili,, PDAN Light: An Improved Attention Network for Action Detection., . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 13925, pages 102-114, , springer, 2023.
  • Carlos Camino, Besik Dundua, Volker Diekert, Mircea Marin, Regular matching problems for infinite trees, . Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 18, Pages 25:1–25:38,, . Logical Methods in Computer Science,, 2022.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mikheil Rukhaia, Unranked Nominal Unification, In: Özgün, A., Zinova, Y. (eds) Language, Logic, and Computation. TbiLLC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13206, pp.279-296, Springer, 2022.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Carlos Camino, Mircea Marin, Volker Diekert, Geraud Senizergues, Regular Matching Problems for Infinite Trees, Logical methods in Computer Science, Volume18 , EPI siences, 2022.
  • Mariam Dedabrishvili,, Besik Dundua, Natia Mamaiashvili, Smartphone Sensor-Based Fall Detection using Machine Learning Algorithm., The 34th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 12798, Page 609-620,, springer, 2021.
  • Besik Dundua, PρLog: a system for rule based programm, RISC Report Series No.21-16,pages 11-17, RISC Report Series, 2021.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, Variadic Equational Matching in Associative and Commutative Theories, Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume106, Pages 78-109 , elsevier, 2021.
  • Mikheil Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Besik Dundua, Star Types: A Type System for Pattern Calculus with Finitary Matching, Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, vol 25(2), Tbilisi University Press, 2020.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, Mikheil Rukhaia, Specification and Analysis of ABAC Policies in a Rule-Based Framework, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 334, pp.101-116, Springer, 2020.
  • Mircea Marin, Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, A Rule-based System for Computation and Deduction in Mathematica, In: Escobar, S., Martí-Oliet, N. (eds) Rewriting Logic and Its Applications. WRLA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12328, Springer, 2020.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, Cleo Pau, Extending theρLog calculus with proximityrelations, Springer Proceedings inMathematics andStatistics, Volume334, Pages 83-100, springer, 2020.
  • Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, Cleo Pau, Besik Dundua, Constraint Solving over MultipleSimilarity Relations, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics LIPIcs 167, Schloss Dagstuhl,pages 30:1-30:19, LIPICS , 2020.
  • Besik Dundua, Mikheil Rukhaia, Towards Integrating Attribute-Based Access Control into Ontologies, In IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. 1052-1056, IEEE, 2019.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, A Rule-based Approach to the Decidability of Safety of ABACα, In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, pp. 173-178, Association for Computing Machinery, 2019.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, Variadic Equational Matching, Proceedings of Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience,vol 11617,page77-92, Springer., Randy Goebel, Wolfgang Wahlster, Zhi-Hua Zhou, 2019.
  • Sandra Alves, Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, Pattern-Based Calculi with FinitaryMatching, Logic Journal of theIGPL, Volume26, Issue2, Pages 203–243, Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • Besik Dundua, Lia Kurtanidze, Mikheil Rukhaia, Unranked Tableaux Calculus for Web Related Applications, In IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. 1181-1184, IEEE, 2017.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Klaus Reisenberger-Hagmayer, An Overview of PρLog, 19th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, PADL 2017. Volume10137of Lecture Notes in ComputerScience. Springer,pages 34–49, springer, 2017.
  • Temur Kutsia, Muricio Ayala-Rincon, Mircea Marin, Besik Dundua, Rewriting Logic from a ρLog Pointof View, Proceedings of12thWorkshopon Logical andSemantic Frameworks withApplications,pages 229-244, ENTCS, 2017.
  • Jemal Antidze, Besik Dundua, Mikheil Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Application of CLP(SC) in Membrane Computing, In: Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, vol. 5 (2), pp. 7–12, IBSU, 2017.
  • Besik Dundua, Khimuri Rukhaia, Mikheil Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, PρLog for Access Control, In: Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, vol. 5 (2), pp. 41–44, IBSU, 2017.
  • Besik Dundua, Mariam Beriashvili, A ConstraintSolver for Equations overSequences and Contexts, Proceedings of the4th International Conferenceon Computer Science, AppliedMathematics and Applications, ICCSAMA 2016. Advances in IntelligentSystems and Computing 453, Springer, Springer Cham, 2016.
  • Besik Dundua, B. Miara, Mircea Marin, A Rewrite-based Computational Model for Functional Logic Programming, Proceedings of the7th International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in SoftwareScience, SCSS 2016. EPiC Series, Volume39,pages 95–106, EasyChair, EPiC Series in Computing, 2016.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mario Florido, Mircea Marin, CLP(H): Constraint Logic Programming for Hedges, Theoryand Practiceof Logic Programming. Volume16, Issue2, pages 141–162, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge University Press: , 2016.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Klaus Reisenberger-Hagmayer, PρLog: Combining Logic Programming with Conditional Transformation Systems, Proceedings of the32ndInternational Conferenceon Logic Programming, ICLP 2016. Vol.52of OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs). Schloss Dagstuhl,pages 10.1–10.5, oasics, 2016.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mario Florido, Lambda Calculus with Regular Types, Proceedings of the17th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms forScientific Computing, SYNASC 2015, pages 129–136, IEEE ComputerSociety, IEEE Computer Society 2015,, 2015.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mario Florido, Mircea Marin, Constraint Logic Programming for Hedges: a Semantic Reconstruction, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, FLOPS 2014. Volume 8475 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 285--301, Springer, 2014.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mario Florido, Sandra Alves, A Confluent Pattern Calculus with Hedge Variables, In: N. Hirokawa and V.vanOostrom, editors,2nd International Workshopon Confluence, IWC'13.pages 41-- 45, Nao Hirokawa & Vincent van Oostrom, 2013.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Mircea Marin, Strategies in PρLog, proceedings of the9th International Workshopon Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical ComputerScience, Volume15,pages 32--43, Maribel Fernández, 2010.
  • Besik Dundua, Strategies in PρLog, Reports of EnlargedSession of theSeminarof I. Vekua Instituteof AppliedMathematics, Volume24,pages 29-35, tsu, 2010.
  • Besik Dundua, Levan Uridia, Trust and Belief, Interrelation, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Agreement Technologies, volume 657 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 35-42, CEUR-WS: 23-Oct-2010, 2010.
  • Besik Dundua, Temur Kutsia, Jorge Coelho, Mario Florido, A Rule-Based Approach to XML Processing and Web Reasoning, Proceedings of the4th International ConferenceonWeb Reasoning and RuleSystems, Volume6333of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,pages 164--172, Springer, springer, 2010.
  • Besik Dundua, Programming with sequence and context variables, Proceedings of I. Vekua Instituteof AppliedMathematics, Volume58,pages 25-31, tsu, 2008.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Besik Dundua, Gela Chankvetadze, One Method of constructing a formal system, Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, vol. 11(2), pp 81-90 , Tbilisi University Press, 2006.