Start Date: 2010-05-01 End Date: 2012-04-20
The main aims of the SEE-GRID-SCI project was
• Stimulation widening e-Infrastructure, inclusion new user groups from SEE countries (Georgia and Moldova);
• Fostering collaboration and providing advanced capabilities to more researchers, with an emphasis on strategic groups in seismology, meteorology and environmental protection;
• Further strengthen and widen the regional and national-level Human Network;
• Provision of the network link to Moldova, so as to cater for immediate connection to Romania and thus to the rest of the region and Europe.
• Inclusion of the Caucasus region in the infrastructure, namely Armenia and Georgia.
• Ensure that all participating countries in the region will be mature enough for inclusion in the next-generation Grid operations model;
The SEE-GRID-SCI project was funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme for development Capacities-Research Infrastructures. The project was coordinated by Greece NET (GRNET) with 14 contractors participating in the project: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey , and CERN(has a consulting role).