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Institute of Applied Mathematics was founded in 1968 with the following main scientific directions:

  • The investigation of multi-dimensional differential and integral equations and development of methods of their solutions for the problems of shell theory, theory of elasticity, meteorology and radiation transfer theory.

  • The investigations of probability theory and mathematical statistics and their applications to problems of dynamic programming, mass service and processing of experimental data.

  • Development of theoretical and applied problems of programming, including the formation of the system of algorithms and programs to solve the typical problems on the computer.

  • Development and application of methods of applied mathematics and computer techniques in organizing the teaching process at Universities.

In 1978 it was named after its founder, first director and scientific leader, Academician Ilia Vekua.

Directors of VIAM

  • Prof.Dr. Ilia Vekua (1968-1977)
  • Prof.Dr. Andro Bitsadze (1979-1984)
  • Prof.Dr. David Gordeziani (1985-2006)
  • Prof.Dr. George Jaiani (since December 2006)