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ჯემალ ანთიძე

  • პროგრამირების განყოფილების
    ხელმძღვანელი / უფროსი მეცნიერი თანამშრომელი
  • ოფისი: ოთახი 1, უნივერსიტეტის ქ.11, 0186 თბილისი, საქართველო
  • ტელეფონი:
  • ელ.ფოსტა:
  • სამეცნიერო ინტერესები:

მოკლე ინფორმაცია

მუშაობს ინსტიტუტში დაარსებიდან დღემდე პროგრამირების განყოფილების ხელმძღანელად1973 წლიდან, გამოქვეყნებული აქვს 114 სამეცნიერო ნაშრომი, მისი ხელმძღვანელობით შესრულდა 7 სამეცნიერო გრანტი, მათ შორის 1 ინტასის გრანტი, 4 შოთა რუსთაველის სახელობის ფონდის გრანტი, იყო მრავალი საერთაშორისო კონფერენციის თანათავმჯდომარე ან საპატიო თავმჯდომარე, იყო საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო ჟურნალის (პროგრამულ უზრუნველყოფაში, სინგაპური) მთავარი რედაქტორი, არის რამოდენიმე საერთაშორისო ორგანიზაციის სამეცნიერო კომიტეტის წევრი (მათ შორის, საერთაშორისო საინჟინრო აკადემია), მიღებული აქვს სხვადასხვა ჯილდოები (თსუ, სსუ, აფხაზეთის მეცნიერებათა აკადემია), მისი ხელმძღვანელობით 8 დოქტორანტმა დაიცვა სადოქტორო დისერტაცია, 6 მათგანი მუშაობს საზღვარგარეთ სამეცნიერო ან პედაგოგიურ დაწესებულებებში, კითხულობდა ლექციებს პროგრამირებაში ანაბის(ალჯირი) სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტში ფრანგულ ენაზე - 1983-87 წლები. დაწვრილებითი ინფორმაცია იხილეთ ვებ-გვერდი - ან


  • Jemal Antidze, Computer Application of Georgian Words, Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics pp 96–111, Springer, 2022.
  • Jemal Antidze, ქართული სიტყვების მორფოლოგიური ანალიზი და სინთეზი, ენები ციფრულ ერაში, თანამედროვე ტექნოლოგიები მცირე რესურსიანი ენებისათვის, სახელმწიფო დეპარტამენტი, 7-8 ოქტომბერი , სახელმწიფო დეპარტამენტი, 2021.
  • Jemal Antidze, SPECIAL APPROACH FOR PROGRAMMING OF LARGE VOLUME PROJECTS, ი.ვეკუას სახ. გამოყენებითი მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტის სემინარის XXXIV საერთაშორისო გაფართოებული სხდომები, Tbilisi University Press, 2020.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, Morphological Synthesis and Analysis of Georgian Words, Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, May 17-19, Poznan, Poland, Springer, 2019.
  • Jemal Antidze, Computer application of Georgian language, XXXIII Enlarged Session of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics (VIAM) , Tbilisi University Press, 2019.
  • Jemal Antidze, About one Approach on Machine Translation, Seminar of IPM,TSU, 04 April, Tbilisi University Press, 2018.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, Training Process Automation for Computer Vision, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2018, 4-6 July, 2018, London, U.K., pp96-100, , International Association of Engineersa, 2018.
  • Jemal Antidze, Special Approach for Some Projects’ Computer Realization, XXXII International Enlarged Session of IPM TSU, 18-20 April, Tbilisi University Press, 2018.
  • Jemal Antidze, Training Process Automation for Computer Vision, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2018, 4-6 July, 2018, London, U.K., p.p. 96-100,, Semantic Scholar, 2018.
  • Jemal Antidze, Besik Dundua, Mikheil Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Application of CLP(SC) in Membrane Computing, In: Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, vol. 5 (2), pp. 7–12, IBSU, 2017.
  • Jemal Antidze, Solving the Problem of the Accents for Speech Recognition Systems, International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, volume 4, number 3, pages 235-238, International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2016.
  • Jemal Antidze, One approach of establishment natural language sentence semantic correctness, XXIX Enlarged session of TSU I. Vekua scientific institute of applied mathematics , Tbilisi University Press , 2015.
  • Jemal Antidze, One approach on programming of some large volume projects, Proceedings of 2015 Tbilisi international conference on computer science and applied mathemetics pages 49-52, Nekeri, 2015.
  • Jemal Antidze, Software for Modeling of Natural Language Texts, Georgian Parliament, 08 July, 2013, Kutaisi(Georgia), Materials of the conference - “Georgian Language – Challenge of 21-eme Century”, in Georgian, pages 71-80, Georgian Parliament, 2013.
  • Jemal Antidze, The Software for Composition of Some Natural Languages’ Words, Lecture Notes on Software Engineering vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 295-297, 2013., LNSE 2013, 2013.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, Software Tools for Some Natural Language Texts Computer Processing, International Journal of Computer Technology and Application, vol. 3, #3, David Publishing Company, 2012.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, Automatic Semantic Analysis of Georgian Language Phrases, Proceedings of Sokhumi State University, Sokhumi State University, 2011.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, Generalized Tools for Computer Realization of Natural Language Models, Proceedings of “The Eleventh International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing”, pages 362-365, Minsk, Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, 2011.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, Towards the Use of Rule-Based Programming for Computer Morphological, Syntactic and Semantic Analyses of the Georgian Texts, International Conference - The Georgian Language and Modern Technologies 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2011, pp. 27-29, The Georgian Language and Modern Technologies, 2011.
  • Jemal Antidze, Software for Processing of Natural Language Texts, Proceedings of Third International Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics”, Volume 1, pages 114-117, Baku, Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics, 2010.
  • Jemal Antidze, On complete machine translation of text from Georgian Language, Georgian Scientific Electronic Journals, Computer Science and Telecommunications, N1, Georgian Scientific Electronic Journals, 2010.
  • Jemal Antidze, On Complete Computer Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Georgian Texts, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference Internet – Education – Science, vol. 1(11), pages 214-217, Vynnitsia, Ukraine, 2010, Education – Science, 2010.
  • Jemal Antidze, Methods for composition of knowledge bases and their application, Scientific conference of Sokhumi State University’s professors, Tbilisi, Sokhumi State University, 2010.
  • Jemal Antidze, Application of Constraints for Natural Language Texts Computer Processing, International Conference of Georgian Mathematicians Union, Batumi, Georgia, 12-19 September, Georgian Mathematicians Union, 2010.
  • Jemal Antidze, Khimuri Rukhaia, Translation of Theorem- Proving text from MTSR into Natural Language text, Workshop of INTAS Project, 26-28 February 2009, Linz University (Austria), Tbilisi University Press, 2009.
  • Jemal Antidze, Theory of formal grammars and languages, computer modeling of natural languages, Nekeri, Tbilisi, 2009, 254 pages., Nerki, 2009.
  • Jemal Antidze, Automatic Translation of Theorem- Proving Text from MTSR into Natural Language Text, Reports of Enlarged Session of Seminar of VIAM TSU, vol.23, 2009, Tbilisi University Press , 2009.
  • Jemal Antidze, Electronic English-Georgian-Russian-German-French-Italian Glossary of Mathematical Terms, Report of International Symposium , Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Comuter Technologies, Institute of Linguistics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Institute of Linguistics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2009.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, On Complete Machine Translation of Text from Georgian Language, Internet Academy, Georgian Electronic Scientific Journals: Computer Sciences and Telecommunications, Georgian Electronic Scientific Journals, 2009.
  • Jemal Antidze, On Complete Computer Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Georgian Texts, Report of International Symposium – Natural Language Processing, GeoReport of International Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Comuter Technologiesrgian Language and Comuter Technologies, Institute of Linguistics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2009.
  • Jemal Antidze, On Full Morphological, Syntactic and Partly Semantic Analysis of Georgian Language and Machine Translation from Georgian Language, Report of Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Computer Technologies, Institute of Linguistics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2008.
  • Jemal Antidze, Machine Translation from Georgian Language into Another, Proceedings of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, vol. 57, 2007, Tbilisi, pp. 21-34., Tbilisi University Press , 2007.
  • Jemal Antidze, Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Natural Language Texts, Georgian Electronic Scientific Jurnals: Computer Sciences and Telecommunications, 1(12), Internet Academy, 2007.
  • Jemal Antidze, Automatic Construction of Georgian Stems’ Dictionary, Report of Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Computer Technologies, , Institute of Linguistics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2007.
  • Jemal Antidze, Automatic Processing of Natural Language Texts with Presentation of Working Programs, Report of Workshop of INTAS grant, N 05_008_100000_8144, Moscow State University, 2007.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, On One Approach to Automatized Semantic Analysis of Phrases of a Natural Language, Bulletin of The Georgian Academy of Sciences, vol.174, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2006.
  • Jemal Antidze, Software Tools for Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Natural Language Texts, Report of VI Tbilisi International Symposium “Language, Logics and Computation”, Tbilisi University Press , 2006.
  • Jemal Antidze, Automatic Processing of Georgian Texts, Using Formal Grammar Parsing, Report of Workshop of INTAS grant, N 05_008_1000008_8144, Timisuara (Rumania), December, 2006., INTAS , 2006.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, . On One Approach to Automatic Semantic Analysis of Phrases of a Natural Language, Bulletin of The Georgian Academy of Sciences, vol.174, 1, Tbilisi University Press , 2006.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, System of Computer Morphology of Georgian Language, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of IAM TSU, Tbilisi University Press , 2006.
  • Jemal Antidze, pplication of Instrumental Tools for Georgian Texts Computer Processing, Report of Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgan Language and Computer Technologies, nstitute of Linguistics of Georgian Academy of Sciences, 2006.
  • Jemal Antidze, Software Tools for Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Georgian Texts, Enlarged Sessions of the VIAM Seminar, Tbilisi University Press, 2005.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, On Semantic Analysis of a Natural Language Phrases, . On Semantic Analysis of a Natural Language Phrases. Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of IAM TSU, 2005, Tbilisi University Press, 2005.
  • Jemal Antidze, George Jaiani, Tsitsino Gabeskiria, English-Georgian-Russian-German-French-Italian Glossary of Mathematical Terms, Lecture Notes of TICMI, vol.6, TSU, 2005 (Georgian, 230 pages), Tbilisi University Press, 2005.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, On Semantic Analysis of a Natural Language Phrases, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of IAM TSU, 2005, Tbilisi University Press , 2005.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, Application of Constraints for Georgian Texts Semantic Analysis by Computer, Report of IV Georgian Mathematician’s Congress, Tbilisi, 2005., Tbilisi University Press , 2005.
  • Jemal Antidze, Software Tools for Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Some Natural Language’s, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of VIAM, Tbilisi University Press , 2005.
  • Jemal Antidze, Software Tools for Morphological and Syntactic Analysis of Georgian Texts, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of IAM TSU, 2005, Tbilisi University Press , 2005.
  • Jemal Antidze, . Recognition of Georgian Word-forms and Their Morphological Categories by Computer, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of IAM TSU, vol.19, Tbilisi University Press, 2004.
  • Jemal Antidze, Morphological Analyzer of a Natural Language, Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Computer Technologies, Tbilisi University Press , 2004.
  • Jemal Antidze, Morphological Analyzer of a Natural Language, Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Computer Technologies, Tbilisi University Press , 2004.
  • Jemal Antidze, Computer Morphology of Georgian Language,, Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Computer Technologies, Tbilisi University Press , 2004.
  • Jemal Antidze, Recognition of Georgian Word-forms and Their Morphological Categories by Computer, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of IAM TSU, vol.19, Tbilisi University Press , 2004.
  • Jemal Antidze, On the numerical solution of singular integral equations using Sanikidzes approximation, computational methods in science and technology 10(1), 83-89, CMST, 2004.
  • Jemal Antidze, Instrumental tools for Computer Processing of Georgian Texts,, . Instrumental tools for Computer Processing of Georgian Texts, Symposium – Natural Language Processing, Georgian Language and Computer Technologies, Tbilisi, 2003., Tbilisi University Press , 2003.
  • Jemal Antidze, OZ Programming Language , Syntactic Description with Comment, Tbilisi University Press , 2002.
  • Jemal Antidze, Syntactical Analysis of Georgian Texts, Fourth Tbilisi symposium Language, Logic and Computation, TSU, 2001, Tbilisi University Press , 2001.
  • Jemal Antidze, Nino Gulua, On Selection of Georgian Texts for Computer Analysis Formalism, Bulletin of The Georgian Academy of Sciences, 162, N2, 2000, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2000.
  • Jemal Antidze, On selection of Georgian texts computer analysis formalism, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2000.