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  • კომპლექსური ანალიზის და გამოყენებების განყოფილების
    ხელმძღვანელი / უფროსი მეცნიერი თანამშრომელი
  • ოფისი: ოთახი 212, უნივერსიტეტის ქ.11, 0186 თბილისი, საქართველო
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  • ელ.ფოსტა:
  • სამეცნიერო ინტერესები: დიფერენციალური განტოლებები, კომპლექსური ანალიზი, გლობალური ანალიზი, კვანტური გამოთვლები

მოკლე ინფორმაცია

დოქტორთან გათანაბრებული (1992წ. სტეკლოვის სახელობის მათემატიკის ინსტიტუტი, მოსკოვი)

ფიზიკა მათემატიკურ მეცნიერებათა დოქტორი (2004, ი. ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი)

მათემატიკური კიბერნეტიკის განყოფილების ხელმძღვანელი 2006 -.დან დღემდე. საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტის
კიბერნეტიკის ინსტიტუტი

ასოცირებული პროფესორი 2006- დან დღემდე. ი.ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის
ზუსტ და საბუნებისმეტყველო მეცნიერებათა ფაკულტეტი


  • On the partial indices of the piecewise constant matrix functions induced from Fuchsian system, by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at Workshop to celebrate to 150 years since to formation Wales first University, Aberystwyth, UK, from 07 July to 07 September, 2023.
  • On the index of gradient of real invertible polynomial, by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at XXXVI International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University , Tbilisi, 19-21 April, 2022.
  • Monodromy of Pfaffian equations for group-valued functions on Riemann surfaces, by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at 13th International ISAAC Congress (Online) Ghent, Belgium, Ghent, Belgium, from 02 August to 02 June, 2021.
  • On the algorithm for computation of partial indices of a piecewise constant matrix function. , by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at 22nd Workshop on Computer Algebra (Online) JINR, Dubna, Russia , Dubna, Russia, 24-06 May, 2021.
  • Some properties of generalized singular Coushy-Riemann systems, by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at 12st ISAAC Congress, Aveiro University, Portugal, Aveiro, Portugal, from 29 July to 02 August, 2019.
  • On the problem of computation the partial indices of matrix. , by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker), Gega Gulagashvili at 21st International workshop on Computer algebra. JINR, Dubna, Russia, Dubna, Russia, 23-24 May, 2019.
  • On the partial indices of piecewise matrix functions, by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at Factorisation of matrix functions: New techniques and applications, Cambridge, UK, 01 January, 2019.
  • Equiilibriia of charge points. , by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at 11th International Conference Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties on Inhomogeneous Media. Cracow Pedagogical University, Poland, Cracow, Poland, 16-20 July, 2018.
  • Analytic differential equations on plane and equilibria of point charges., by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at 20st international workshop on computer algebra. JINR, Dubna, Russia, Dubna, Russia, 21-22 May, 2018.
  • On the Hamiltonians induced from Fuchsian systems., by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at International conference on control theory. , Moscow, Russia, 01 January, 2018.
  • On Hamiltonians induced from Fuchsian system and their applications. , by Gia Giorgadze (Speaker) at International Conference on Mathematical theory of optimal control. Moscow, Russia. , Moscow, Russia, 01-02 June, 2017.
  • Equilibria of point charges on conver curves, by Giorgi Khimshiashvili (Speaker), Gia Giorgadze at 19st international workshop on computer algebra. JINR, Dubna, Russia, Dubna, Russia, 25-26 May, 2015.


  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Kakulashvili, On the Parameter Problem of the Schwarz–Christoffel Mapping and Moduli of Quadrilaterals , Comput. Methods Funct. Theory, Springer, 2023.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Three-Point Charges on a Flexible Arc, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Springer, 2023.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, On the Index of the Gradient of a Real Invertible Polynomial, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 321, 84–96, Springer, 2023.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Monodromy of Pfaffian Equations for Group-Valued Functions on Riemann Surfaces, Kähler, U., Reissig, M., Sabadini, I., Vindas, J. (eds) Analysis, Applications, and Computations. ISAAC 2021. Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, 2023.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Riemann-Hilbert problems with coefficients in compact Lie groups, Mechanics and Physics of Structured Media, 2022, Pages 303-326, Elsevier, 2022.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Gega Gulagashvili, On the splitting type of holomorphic vector bundles induced from regular systems of differential equation, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 29(1): 25–35, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2022.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Bogdan Bojarski in Complex and Real Worlds, Mathematical Analysis, its Applications and Computation, Springer, 2022.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Makatsaria, ). Some Properties of the Solutions Space of Irregular Elliptic Systems, Current Trends in Analysis, its Applications and Computation. Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Cham, 2022.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Triangles and electrostatic ion traps, Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 (5), 053501, AIP Publishing LLC, 2021.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Exactly solvable Hamiltonians in quantum computing, Proceedings of RDP online workshop" Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics”, SISSA, vol. 394, 002, SISSA, 2021.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, On Equilibrium Points of Three Point Charges, Bulletin Georgian National Acad. Sci. vol.15, N 3, p.7-13, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2021.
  • Alexander Gamkrelidze, Gia Giorgadze, On the Notion of the Basis of Finite Dimensional Vector Space, Bulletin Georgian National Acad. Sci. vol.15, N 4, p.20-24, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2021.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Monodromy matrices as universal set of quantum gates and dynamics of cold trapped ions, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 13 (2), 187-206 , Tbilisi Center for Mathematical Sciences, 2020.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Gega Gulagashvili, Riemann-Hilbert Boundary Value Problem with Piecewise Constant Transition Function, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 1-11, Springer, 2020.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, On three point charges on a flexible arc, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., vol.177, p. 63-68, Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, 2020.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Stable equilibria of three constrained unit charges., Proc. I. Vekua Institute of Applied Math. vol.70, p.25-31, Tbilisi University Press, 2020.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Vagner Jikia, On some properties of Euler integrals, Bulletin of TICMI, vol. 24, No. 1, 2020, pp. 3-11, Tbilisi University Press, 2020.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Makatsaria, Valerian Jikia, Singular Generalized Analytic Functions, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 237 (1), 30-109, Springer, 2019.
  • Giorgi Akhalaia, Gia Giorgadze, Nino Manjavidze, Boundary-Value Problems with Shift and Beltrami Systems, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 237 (1), 1-29, Springer, 2019.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Equilibria of Three Point Charges with Quadratic Constraints, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 237 (1), 110-125, Springer, 2019.
  • Giorgi Akhalaia, Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Makatsaria, Nino Manjavidze, Deformation of Complex Structures and Boundary Value Problem with Shift, Analysis as a Life, Dedicated to Heinrich Begehr on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday, Part of the Trends in Mathematics book series (TM), Birkhäuser, 1-17, Springer, 2019.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Three point charges on concentric circles, Proc. I. Vekua Institute of Applied Math. vol.69, p.24-34, Tbilisi University Press, 2019.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Vagner Jikia, The Euler integral of the first kind. The higher order singularities, Rep. Enlarged Sess. Semin. I. Vekua Appl. Math 33, 23-26, Tbilisi University Press, 2019.
  • George Jaiani, Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Akhalaia, Nino Manjavidze, The impact of Bojarski's works on the theory of elliptic partial differential equations on the plane, Proceedings of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 68, 3-15, Tbilisi University Press, 2018.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Equilibria of point charges in a line segment , Proc. I. Vekua Institute of Applied Math. vol.68, p.16-27, Tbilisi University Press, 2018.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, I. Murusidze, Three point charges on a flexible contour, Proc. I. Vekua Inst. Appl. Math. vol.68, p.28-35, Tbilisi University Press, 2018.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, On Equilibrium Concyclic Configurations, Doklady Mathematics 98 (1), 377-381, Springer, 2018.
  • Gia Giorgadze, On the structure of the space of generalized analytic functions, Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci 12 (4), Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2018.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Control of quantum processing based on the three-level quantum system, In optimal control and differential games. Materials of the International Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of L,S,Pontryagin, Moscow, pp.103-105, , 2018.
  • Alexander Gamkrelidze, Gia Giorgadze, On the notion of a basis of a finite dimensional vector space, arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04244, arXiv, 2017.
  • Gia Giorgadze, On Hamiltonians induced from Fuchsian system and their application, In Mathematical theory of optimal control. Materials of the International Conference dedicated to the 90th birthday of Academician R. V.Gamkrelidze, Mo scow, pp.58-60, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, 2017.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Concyclic and aligned equilibrium configurations of point charges, Proc. I. Vekua Inst. Appl. Math 67, 20-33, Tbilisi University Press, 2017.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Akhalaia, Valerian Jikia, On the Vortex equation on the complex plane, Proceedings of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Volume 66, 20-33, Tbilisi University Press, 2016.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Nondegeneracy of certain constrained extrema, Doklady Mathematics 92 (3), 691-694, Springer, 2015.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Equilibria of point charges in convex domains, Bull. Georgian Natl. Acad. Sci 9 (2), 19-26, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2015.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Equilibria of Point Charges on Nested Circles, Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci 9 (3),43-49, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2015.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Nugzar Makhaldiani, On the algorithmic and non algorithmic solvable problems from quantum computing point of view, Proc. I. Vekua Inst. Appl. Math 64, 24-30, Tbilisi University Press, 2014.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Valerian Jikia, On some properties of generalized analytic functions induced from irregular Carleman–Bers–Vekua equations, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 58 (9), 1183–1194, Taylor and Francis, 2013.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Nino Manjavidze, On some constructive methods for the matrix Riemann–Hilbert boundary-value problem, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 195 (2), 146-174, Springer, 2013.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Some analytical and geometrical aspects of stable partial indices, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 193 (3), 461-477, Springer, 2013.
  • Gia Giorgadze, On some properties of generalized analytic functions induced from irregular Carleman–Bers–Vekua equations, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 58 (9), 1183-1194, Taylor and Francis Logo, 2013.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Cyclic configurations of spherical polygons, Doklady Mathematics 87 (3), 300-303, Springer, 2013.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Remarks on bicentric polygons, Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci 7 (3), Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2013.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Remarks on bicentric polygons, Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci 7 (3), Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2013.
  • Giorgi Akhalaia, Gia Giorgadze, Valerian Jikia, Neron Kaldani, Giorgi Makatsaria, Nino Manjavidze, Elliptic systems on Riemann surfaces, Lecture Notes of TICMI, Vol. 13, p. 155, Tbilisi University Press, 2012.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Monodromic quantum computing, “Networks and Quantum Computing”, Nova., Nova Science Publishers, 2012.
  • Gia Giorgadze, B. Bojarski, Some analytical and geometric aspects of stable partial indices, Proc. Vekua Inst. Appl. Math 61- 62, 14-32, Tbilisi University Press, 2011.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Valerian Jikia, Relation between Beltrami and holomorphic disc equations, Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, 25, 57-60, Tbilisi University Press, 2011.
  • Gia Giorgadze, On the structure of the space of generalized analytic functions., Rep. Enlarged Sess. Semin. I. Vekua Appl. Math 25, 53-56, Tbilisi University Press, 2011.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Factorization of loops in loop groups, Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci 5 (3),35-38, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2011.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Some properties of the space of generalized analytic functions, In Recent Developments in Generalized Analytic Functions and Their Applications, TSU, pp. 56-62, Tbilisi University Press, 2011.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Solvability condition of the Riemann-Hilbert monodromy problem, Progress In Analysis and Its Applications, 89-95, World Scientific , 2010.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Giorgi Khimshiashvili, Remarks on spherical linkages, Bull. Georgian Natl. Acad. Sci 4, 13-18, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 2010.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Moduli space of complex structures, Journal of Mathematical Sciences 160 (6), 697–716, Springer, 2009.
  • Gia Giorgadze, Density Problem of Monodromy Representation of Fuchsian Systems, Further progress in analysis, 347-355, World Scientific , 2009.