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Lali Tibua

  • Applied Logic and Programming Laboratory
  • Office: room 228, University str.11, 0186 Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Phone: 591925679
  • E-mail:
  • Research fields: mathematical logic, automated reasoning


Lali Tibua is a Researcher at VIAM and an associate professor at the Georgian National University. He got his PhD degree mathematical science from the Tbilisi State University. In 2005 he successfully defended his PhD degree. The main results of the scientific research were presented at various international and local conferences and symposia. Is the author of 44 scientific papers. He has participated in international and local projects as a lead performer. He is also involved in the learning process. Since 2006 he has been working at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Lecturer in Mathematics at Tbilisi State University. In particular, he lectures on "Mathematical Logic and Discrete Mathematics", "Algebra and Analytical Geometry", "Calculus", "Applied Logic" and others. He is actively involved in the work of the International Student School-Seminar. (He is a member of the Organizing Committee).


  • Probabilized Unranked Sequent Calculus, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Lia Kurtanidze, Lali Tibua, Merium Hazem Anwar Labib Bishara at 13th Conference Logic and Applications 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-27 September, 2024.
  • Extension of τ Logic with Probabilistic Operators, by Lali Tibua (Speaker) at XIV International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi,Georgia, 02-07 September, 2024.
  • First-Order Probabilistic Logic With Sequence Variables and Unranked Symbols, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Lia Kurtanidze, Merium Hazem Anwar Labib Bishara at Advances in Modal Logic, Prague, Czech Republic, 19-23 August, 2024.
  • First-order Unranked Probabilistic Logic, by Lali Tibua (Speaker) at XXXVIII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 22-24 April, 2024.
  • Sequent Calculus for Unranked Probabilistic Logic, by Lali Tibua (Speaker) at XIII Annual International Conference of Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, from 04 September to 09 December, 2023.
  • Unranked Probabilistic Theory: Project Presentation, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Anriette Michel Fouad Bishara, Lia Kurtanidze, Lali Tibua at 19th International Conference Computability in Europe, Batumi, Georgia, 24-28 July, 2023. (poster)
  • Unranked Probabilistic Theory: Project Presentation, by Mikheil Rukhaia (Speaker), Anriette Michel Fouad Bishara, Lia Kurtanidze, Lali Tibua at XXXVII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-22 April, 2023.
  • Probabilistic Unranked Predicate Logic, by Lali Tibua (Speaker), Mikheil Rukhaia, Besik Dundua at XII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, from 29 August to 03 September, 2022.
  • An overview of uncertain reasoning in predicate logic, by Lali Tibua (Speaker) at XXXVI International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 19-22 April, 2022.
  • Unification in τ -Logic, by Lali Tibua (Speaker) at XI Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 23-28 August, 2021.
  • Logical Proving Applications in Meteorological Tasks, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Teimurazi Davitashvili, Lali Tibua at X International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 02-07 September, 2019.
  • Modeling of Natural event problems by Mathematical Logic Language, by Lali Tibua (Speaker), Teimurazi Davitashvili, Khimuri Rukhaia at The Third International Conference "MODERN PROBLEMS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS" Dedicated to the Centenary of I.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) & 50th Anniversary of I.Vekua Institute of Appl, Tbilisi Georgia, 19-21 September, 2018.
  • Usage of TSR Logic Methods in Natural Event Problems, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Teimurazi Davitashvili at IX International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 03-08 September, 2018.
  • On theorem prove methods in tsr logic and possibility of its usage in weather forecast tasks, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Teimurazi Davitashvili, Lali Tibua at The XXXII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, 18-20 April, 2018.
  • Logical method of program analysis, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Sopo Pkhakadze at the XI International Conference ,,Modern Information and Communiction Technologies on Transport, In Industry and Education, Dnepropetrovsk, 13-14 December, 2017.
  • The Invariance Property of Some Type of Derived Unranked Operators, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Sopo Pkhakadze at VIII International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 04-08 September, 2017.
  • About One Logical Method of Automatic Theorem Proving, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Sopo Pkhakadze at VII Annual InteVII Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 05-27 September, 2016.
  • About a logical Method of Knowledge representation, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Sopo Pkhakadze at the XI International Conference ,,Modern Information and Communiction Technologies on Transport, In Industry and Education, Dnepropetrovsk, 13-14 December, 2015.
  • The τSR-Analog of the Herbrand Method of Automatic Theorem Proving . , by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at VI Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 12-16 July, 2015.
  • Descripcion of formal unranked theory, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Sopo Pkhakadze at XII International Conference of Theoretical and Applied Aspect of program systems development, Kiev, Ukraine, 23-26 May, 2015.
  • Logical Base of programming General Theory, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze at the International Conference of the Sobolov Institute of Mathematics 2015, Novosibirck;Russien, 03-07 May, 2015.
  • On an algorithmic process of establishing validity of some formulas of an unranked equational theory, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze at 11th International Conference of THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF PROGRAM SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT TAAPSD’2013, Kiev, 15-17 December, 2014.
  • Some Properties of Unranked Quantifiers, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze at V Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 08-12 September, 2014.
  • One algorithmic process for deciding validity of some unranked first-order Logic, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at IV Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 09-15 September, 2013.
  • Applied problems in the theory notation, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at 10th International Сonference ofTHEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF PROGRAM SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT TAAPSD’2013, Ялта, from 25 May to 02 June, 2013.
  • Unranked formal mathematical theory, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze, Gvanca Miqanadze at the International Conference of the Sobolov Institute of Mathematics 2012, Novosibirck;Russien, 12-16 November, 2012.
  • Unranked theory with quantifiers , by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze at III Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 02-09 September, 2012.
  • General Programming Theory based on the Notation Theory, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at International Conference MAL’TSEV MEETING dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Serge˘ı Savostyanovich Goncharov , Novosibirck;Russien, 11-14 October, 2011.
  • Modification of tau-operator for Artificial Languages, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at IIAnnual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, Batumi, Georgia, 15-19 September, 2011.
  • Some problems in the notation theory of artificial languages, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Batumi, Georgia, 12-19 September, 2010.
  • Logical Base of programming General Theory, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at the International Conference of the Sobolov Institute of Mathematics , Novosibirck;Russien, 02-05 May, 2010.
  • Contracting symbols in Assertional Programming, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at IV CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS OF GEORGIA, Kutaisi, Georgia, 09-12 October, 2009.
  • One Method of Constructing a Formal System, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at II INTAS meeting, Moscow, 27-29 August, 2007.
  • One variant of assertional programming, by Khimuri Rukhaia (Speaker), Lali Tibua at I INTAS meeting, Timisoara, 09-10 December, 2006.


  • Mikheil Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Besik Dundua, Star Types: A Type System for Pattern Calculus with Finitary Matching, Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, vol 25(2), Tbilisi University Press, 2020.
  • Jemal Antidze, Besik Dundua, Mikheil Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Application of CLP(SC) in Membrane Computing, In: Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, vol. 5 (2), pp. 7–12, IBSU, 2017.
  • Besik Dundua, Khimuri Rukhaia, Mikheil Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, PρLog for Access Control, In: Journal of Technical Science and Technologies, vol. 5 (2), pp. 41–44, IBSU, 2017.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Sopo Pkhakadze, Descripcion of formal unranked theory, Pocceding ofTheoretical and Applied aspects of program systems developments TAAPSD2015, kiev, 2015.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze, Some properties of unranked operators, Reports of the International Conference of the Sobolov Institute of Mathematics 2015; , Novosibirsk, 2015.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze, On an algorithmic process of establishing validity of some formulas of an unranked equational theory, Proceedings of Teoretical and Applied aspects of Programm Systems Development;TAAPSD 2014, kiev, 2014.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Applied problems in the Theory Notation, Proceedings of Teoretical and Applied aspects of Programm Systems Development;TAAPSD 2013, Ialta, 2013.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze, Gvanca Miqanadze, An Algorithm of the Classification of Unranked Propositional Logic Formulas, Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, kiev, 2013.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Gela Chankvetadze, Gvanca Miqanadze, Unranked formal mathematical theory, Reports of the International Conference of the Sobolov Institute of Mathematics 2012; , Novosibirsk, 2012.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, General Programming Theory based on the Notation Theory , Reports of the International Conference of the Sobolov Institute of Mathematics 2011; , Novosibirsk, 2011.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Logical Base of programming General Theory, Reports of the International Conference of the Sobolov Institute of Mathematics 2010; , Novosibirsk, 2010.
  • Lali Tibua, Khimuri Rukhaia, Online Tool To Find The Bounds of Objective Functions For a Class of One Demensional Bin Panking Problems, Reports Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied mathematics; vol.35.pp.7-15, Tbilisi University Press, 2009.
  • Lali Tibua, Khimuri Rukhaia, Translation of Theorem-Proving Text in MTSR to Natural Language Text, Reports of enlarged sessions of the seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics; vol.23;2009;p.1-4, Tbilisi University Press, 2009.
  • Lali Tibua, Khimuri Rukhaia, Gela Chankvetadze, Plisko V, Modified MτSR Theory, Reports Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied mathematics;vol.34.2008 ;64–73, Tbilisi University Press, 2008.
  • Khimuri Rukhaia, Lali Tibua, Besik Dundua, Gela Chankvetadze, One Method of constructing a formal system, Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, vol. 11(2), pp 81-90 , Tbilisi University Press, 2006.
  • Lali Tibua, An Algorithm of the Classification of Propositional Logic Formulas, Bulletin of the Geo-rgian Academy of Sciences(,,moambe), Georgian Academy Press tbilisi, 2004.
  • Lali Tibua, Konstantine Pkhakadze, Marina Ivanishvili, Soselia Eteri, lekiashvili lado, About the main ideas of the direct formal-logican natural language system thought one example, Reports Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics;vol.29;pp11-14, Tbilisi University Press, 2003.
  • Lali Tibua, -Unification Algorithm, Reports of seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics,Vol.26-27. 2000-2001; pp.88-92, Tbilisi University Press, 2001.