Invited Speakers

Volker Diekert
Universität StuttgartTBA

Maribel Fernandez
Kings College LondonHierarchical Higher-Order Port-graph Rewriting as a Modelling Tool

Luigi Liquori
Inria Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée
Manfred Kufleitner
Universität StuttgartTBA

Invited Speakers

Erika Ábrahám
RWTH Aachen UniversitySMT solving for Arithmetic Theories

Deyan Ginev
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and NISTWelcome to ar5iv! Wrestling with the open problems of scholarly writing

Sébastien Gouëzel
IRMAR, Université de Rennes 1Formalizing the change of variables formula for integrals in mathlib
Invited Speakers

Niki Vazou
IMDEA Software InstituteTBA

Florian Zuleger
Technische Universität WienTBA

Torsten Grust
University of TübingenTBA

Robert Hierons
The University of SheffieldSystematic Testing for Robotic Systems
Invited Speakers

Fabio Zanasi
University College LondonLens Theoretic Foundations for Learning: from Semantics to Verification

Daniela Petrisan
Université de ParisThe semifree monad

Conor McBride
Strathclyde UniversityPicking Your Way Through Pascal’s Triangle
Invited Speakers

Miaomiao Zhang
Tongji UniversityTBA

Marsha Chechik
University of TorontoTBA

Bernhard Beckert
Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyTBA

Dmitriy Traytel
University of CopenhagenTBA
Invited Speakers

Serdar Tasiran
Amazon Web ServicesTBA

Michal Valko
DeepMind, InriaTBA