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David Kaladze

  • Engineering and Physical Problems Department
  • Office: room 205, University str.11, 0186 Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Phone: +995 555 13 23 16
  • E-mail:
  • Research fields: Plasma Physics; Fluid Mechanics; Mathematical Modeling;


David has graduated from Tbilisi State University and obtained his Bachelor degree in Theoretical Physics (2006-2010) and Master's Degree with speciality Astrophysics and Plasma physics (2011-2013) . He continued his studies in France at Joseph Fourier University and got Master's degree with speciality Environmental Fluid Dynamics (2013-2014) . After that he obtained M2 Master's degree at Pierre and Marie Curie University with speciality Physics of Plasma's and Fusion (2014-2015). During these years he was working as an intern at laboratory LEGI ( Grenoble , France ) and at laboratory ENS ( Paris , France ) . From 2020 works as a researcher at I.vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics. He is participant of foreign and local grant projects, publications and conferences. His main research interests includes plasma physics , fluid mechanics and numerical modelling of mathematical and physical problems.


  • Exact traveling wave solution of the (2+1) - Gardner equation, by David Kaladze (Speaker), Luba Tsamalashvili at XXXVIII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi,Georgia, 20-24 April, 2024.
  • On the exact solutions of the Gardner equations via tanh-coth method, by David Kaladze (Speaker), Luba Tsamalashvili at The Fourth International Conference "MODERN PROBLEMS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS", Tbilisi,Georgia, 13-15 September, 2023.
  • On the exact solutions of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov dynamical equation in a Electron-Positron-Ion plasma, by David Kaladze (Speaker), Luba Tsamalashvili at XXXVII International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi,Georgia, 19-23 April, 2023.
  • On the exact solution of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov type nonlinear partial differential equation, by David Kaladze (Speaker), Dimitri Javrishvili, Luba Tsamalashvili at XXXV International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics (ESSVIAM2021), Tbilisi,Georgia, 21-24 April, 2021.
  • Effect of magnetic declination on refractive index and wave polarization coefficients of electromagnetic waves in mid-latitude ionosphere, by Osman Ozcan (Speaker), Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Selçuk Sağır at The Fourth International Conference on Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering, Tbilisi, Georgia, 23-26 September, 2019.


  • Amar Prasad Misra, David Kaladze, Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Rayleigh-Bénard convective motion of stratified fluids in the Earth’s troposphere, arXiv: 2408.02441v1[physics.flu-dyn], (10pp), Cornell University Press , 2024.
  • David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, On the exact solutions of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov dynamical equation in a Electron-Positron-Ion plasma, Reports of XXXVII Enlarged Sessions of theSeminar of I. Vekua Instituteof Applied Mathematics Volume 37, Pages 23-26, Tbilisi University Press, 2023.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Ali Yesil, Osman Ozcan, Kadri Kurt, Selçuk Sağır , The Change of The Magnitude of The Electric Field Vector (Ey/E0) in The Ionosphere in The Magnetic Equator Through, Turkish Journal of Science & Technology, v. 16, #1, 31-38, Fırat University Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, 2021.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Osman Ozcan, Ali Yesil, Kadri Kurt, Selçuk Sağır , Shear flow-driven magnetized Rossby wave dynamics in the Earth's ionosphere, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik and Physik ZAMP, v. 72, #130 (17pp), Birkhäuser Verlag, 2021.
  • David Kaladze, Dimitri Javrishvili, Luba Tsamalashvili, On the exact solution of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov type nonlinear partial differential equation, XXXV International Enlarged Sessions of the Seminar of Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics (ESSVIAM2021), Tbilisi University Press, 2021.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, David Kaladze, Osman Ozcan, Ali Yesil, Modified KdV equation for magnetized Rossby waves in a zonal flow of the ionospheric E-layer, Physics LettersA, v. 383, No. 32, Elsevier, 2019.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Electromagnetic internal gravity waves in an ideally conducting incompressible medium, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 182, Pages 177-180, Elsevier, 2019.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, David Kaladze, Electromagnetic Internal Gravity Waves in an Ideally Conducting Medium, 2018 XXIIIrd International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory ,pp. 35-38, IEEE, 2018.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Laila Kahlon, David Kaladze, Generation of zonal flow and magnetic field by coupled internal-gravity and alfvén waves in the ionospheric E-layer, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 89, 110-119, Elsevier, 2012.
  • Tamaz Kaladze, David Kaladze, Luba Tsamalashvili, Electromagnetic internal gravity waves in the Earthʼs ionospheric E-layer, Physics letters A, Volume 376, Issue 2, Pages 123-124, Elsevier, 2011.