Seminars of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics |
VIAMVIAM SeminarEnlarged Sessions of the VIAM SeminarScientific ProjectsShota Rustaveli National Science Foundation's Projects NATO Science Programme (Collaborative Linkage Grant NATO PST.CLG.976426/5437) TICMIGeoMechUnionStatute of the Georgian Mechanical Union Georgian National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics GNSTAMConferences |
Location: Ilia Vekua Lecture Hall, I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of TSU Date and Time: Wednesday, December 24 14:00 Speaker: Mikheil Rukhaia Title of the Talk: Development of a Theorem Prover for Proof Schemata Final Report Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, December 17 14:00 Speaker: Mariam Beriashvili Title of the Talk: Some applications of additional set-theoretical axioms in measure theory Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Thursday, December 11 14:00 Speaker: David Natroshvili Title of the Talk: Iteration method for the Dirichlet problem of the elasticity theory of anisotropic bodies Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, December 10 14:00 Speaker: David Gordeziani Title of the Talk: On Solution of Nonlocal Contact Initial-Boundary Value Problems Stated for Some Equations of Mathematical Physics Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, December 3 14:00 Speaker: Ushangi Goginava Title of the Talk: Strong Summability of Fourier series Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, November 26 14:00 Speaker: Zurab Kiguradze Title of the Talk: Investigation and Numerical Solution of Some Systems of Partial Integro-Differential Equations Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, November 19 14:00 Speaker: Khatuna Chargazia Title of the Talk: Spectral Properties of the vortices in the magnetotail and fractal Structures Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, November 12 14:00 Speaker: Maia Svanadze Title of the Talk: On the uniqueness of solutions of the boundary value problems of steady vibrations in the theory of viscoelasticity Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, November 5 15:00 Speaker: Malkhaz Shashiashvili Title of the Talk: Computational Convex Analysis and its Applications to Numerical Solution of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, November 5 14:00 Speaker: Gogi Kapanadze Title of the Talk: Problem of the plane theory of elasticity for polygonal domains cut along an are of circle Abstract: Geo; Date and Time: Wednesday, October 29 14:00 Speaker: Kartlos Kachiashvili Title of the Talk: Computation of the Multivariate Normal Integral over a Complex Subspace Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, October 22 14:00 Speaker: Tengiz Tetunashvili Title of the Talk: On some properties of discrete sets Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, October 15 14:00 Speaker: Valerian Jikia Title of the Talk: Liuville type theorems for Carleman-Vekua irregular systems of differential equations Abstract: Geo; Date and Time: Wednesday, October 1 14:00 Speaker: Tamaz Tadumadze Title of the Talk: Sensitivity Analysis for Some Classes of Functional-Differential Equations Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, September 24 14:00 Speaker: Ivane Tsagareli Title of the Talk: Explisit solutions some BVPs in the full coupled theory of poroelastostatics Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, September 17 14:00 Speaker: David Natroshvili Title of the Talk: Regularity of solutions to mixed interface crack problems Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, July 16 15:00 Speaker: Giorgi Danelia Title of the Talk: Approximate solution of boundary-contact problem for the system of Poisson's equations in rectangular domain Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, July 16 14:30 Speaker: Guram Koberidze, Tamar Mkheidze Title of the Talk: Approximate solution of initial-contact problem for systems of parabolic and hyperbolic equations in rectangular domain Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, July 16 14:00 Speaker: Miranda Gabelaia Title of the Talk: On a dynamical problem of sinusoidal cusped beam Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, July 9 14:00 Speaker: Temur Jangveladze Title of the Talk: Asymptotic Behavior of Solution and Semi-Discrete Scheme for One Nonlinear Integro-Differential Model Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, July 2 14:00 Speaker: Dazmir Shulaia Title of the Talk: On Linear Integral Equation with Coefficient having Zeros Abstract: Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, June 25 14:00 Speaker: Tamaz Kaladze Title of the Talk: Role of Low Frequency Waves in Atmospheric Circulation Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, June 25 13:00 Speaker: Mikheil Rukhaia Title of the Talk: Development of a Theorem Prover for Pro of Schemata Intermediate Report Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, June 18 14:00 Speaker: George Akhalaia Title of the Talk: Discontinuous boundary value problems of generalized analytic vectors for angular domains in the plane Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, June 11 14:00 Speaker: Lamara Bitsadze Title of the Talk: On some solutions in the full coupled theory of steady vibrations for solids with double porosity Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, June 4 14:00 Speaker: Archil Papukashvili Title of the Talk: About numerical solving of contact problem for Poissons and Kirchhoff equation system Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, May 28 15:00 Speaker: Pietro Caramuta Title of the Talk: Conjugate diferential forms and applications Abstract: Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, May 28 14:00 Speaker: Emanuela Dolce Title of the Talk: On some integral equations of the rst kind in potential theory Abstract: Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, May 21 14:00 Speaker: Jemal Antidze Title of the Talk: About one approach for programming of a large volume projects Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, May 14 14:00 Speaker: Natela Zirakashvili Title of the Talk: Fictitious load method in polar system for elastisity problems Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, May 7 14:00 Speaker: Jemal Rogava Title of the Talk: On Numerical Realization of Complex Matrix Argument Sine and Cosine Hyperbolic Functions Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, April 30 14:00 Speaker: Alexander Tkeshelashvili Title of the Talk: Integral Functionals of the Gasser-Muller Regression Function Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, April 16 14:00 Speaker: Nino Khatiashvili Title of the Talk: On the free boundary problem for a viscous fluid Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, April 2 14:00 Speaker: Tengiz Meunargia Title of the Talk: On the contraction method of I. Vekua for the nonlinear and non-shallow shells Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, March 26 14:00 Speaker: Grigol Sokhadze Title of the Talk: On limite properties of maximal likelihood estimators In a Hilbert space Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, March 19 14:00 Speaker: Roman Janjgava Title of the Talk: About creation of approximate solutions of some classical and nonclassical problems of mathematical physics Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, March 12 14:00 Speaker: Jondo Sharikadze Title of the Talk: Similary solution of the system of partial differential equation of second order and its application Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, March 5 14:00 Speaker: Gogi Pantsulaia Title of the Talk: On a heat equation in an infinite-dimensional separable Banach space with Schauder basis Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, February 26 14:00 Speaker: Nuri Khomasuridze Title of the Talk: Solution of boundary value contact problems of thermoelastic equilibrium of a multilayer picewise non-homogeneous isotropic rectangular parallelepiped Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, February 19 14:00 Speaker: TamazVashakmadze Title of the Talk: To realization of some direct methods of solving the problems of mathematical physics Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, February 12 14:00 Speaker: Roman Koplatadze Title of the Talk: Oscillation Criteria for Differential and Discrete Equations with Several Delay Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, February 5 14:00 Speaker: Grigor Giorgadze Title of the Talk: On construction of the set of universal quantum gates Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, January 29 14:00 Speaker: Tamar Kasrashvili Title of the Talk: On Extention of Quasi-Diophantine Sets in Euclidean Spaces Abstract: Geo; Eng Date and Time: Wednesday, January 22 14:00 Speaker: Natalia Chinchaladze Title of the Talk: On a vibration of a double-layered prismatic shell in the zeroth approximation of the hierarchical models Abstract: Geo; Eng |