
We have arrangements with Kopala hotels for price reduction (see details below). The places are limited, thus for other options consult and book via or airbnb. Please avoid booking via low-reputation sources, they are not reliable.

Warning: beware of scam emails!

With our previous experience, some people listed on the event web pages, have received an email (sent e.g. from "" or ""), offering the booking of hotel accomodation. This is a scam! You will find some unpleasant stories about such companies if you google their name. Be careful - the company name and email can change while the phishing method stays the same.

We do not have arrangements with hotels or agencies other than is listed below and these hotels do not ask credit card information!

Kopala hotels in Old Tbilisi

To reserve a room, please send the details to with subject: ITP 2024 reservation.

Hotel Old Kopala

Single room with breakfast: 70 EUR
Double/twin room with breakfast: 80 EUR

Kopala Blue
Address: Anton Chekhovi str. 8/10, Tbilisi 0103, Georgia

Single room with breakfast: 45 EUR
Double/twin room with breakfast: 50 EUR