Khomurjishvili Omar

Candidat of Physical-Mathematical sciences

Head research worker


I - Curriculum   Vitae

II List of Paper












Curriculum Vitae 


Born: 1941 07.09 Tbilisi Georgia 
Education: Mathematics, Tbilisi State University, Georgia(1965) 
Position: Seience worker, Department  Numerical Analysies
 I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics ,Tbilisi State University,Georgia
Honors: Author of 22 published papers in refereed journals 
Area of Expertise: Finite volume schemes for conservation laws.

Address: I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University, 2 University Str., 380043 Tbilisi, Georgia.

 Internet :






List of Paper


  1. Gordeziani D. G., Gunava G. V., Khomurdjishvili O. P., Okroashvili T. G. - On the numerical solution of a contact problem of a elastisity in a ring by the finite element methods -Proceeudings of I.Vekua of institute of Applied Mathematics 13 Some problems of Mathematical and Computational physics Tbilisi of 1983.  (in Russian)
  2. Gordeziani D. G., Gunava G. V., Khomurdjishvili O. P., Okroashvili T. G. - On the study of the electro-mechanical state of the circlar magnetic system of the many contact plane theory of elasticity with a localized fixing - Transactionses TSU IAM by him (it) I. N. Vekua. 15. Tbilisi of 1985.  (in Russian)
  3. Gordeziani D. G., Gunava G. V., Khomurdjishvili O. P., Okroashvili T. G. - About the solution contact of boundary value problem of a flat theory of elastic strength with float factions - Reports of enlarged sessions of the seminar institute of Applied Mathematics by him (it) I. N. Vekua. The Thom 2, 3. Tbilisi of 1986.  (inRussian)
  4. Gordeziani D. G., Gunava G. V., Khomurdjishvili O. P., Okroashvili T. G. - About the solution of boundary value problems for one system of an elliptical equation. Reports expended setting of a seminar of institute of applied mathematics by him (it) I. N. Vekua, the thom 453. Tbilisi of 1989.  (in Russian)
  5. Gordeziani D. G., Gunava G. V., Khomurdjishvili O. P., Okroashvili T. G. -On the numerical simulation of a stressed-strain state of one energetic instalment-Proceeudings of I.Vekua of institute of Applied Mathematics 40- Tbilisi of 1990 pp 33-50 (in Russian)
  6. Khomurjishvili O., Khomerici N. On one Method of Constructing a Difference Scheme for some Eliptical equation , Bulleten of the Academy of Siences of Georgia 140 N 2 Tbilisi of 1990 pp 249-252
  7. Khomurjishvili O.The Construction of Difference scheme for a nonhomogenous biharmonic equation with the Method of the functions Derivative indirection - Reports of enlarged sessions of the seminar institute of Applied Mathematics by him (it) I. N. Vekua. Vol 10 N1 . Tbilisi of 1991 pp 55-58.  (inRussian)
  8. Khomurjishvili O., Khomerici N. On one Method of Constructing of the Difference Schemes for Hyperbolic equation -Proceeudings of I.Vekua institute of Applied Mathematics -some problems of partial difference equations,Vol.47,Tbilisi of 1992 pp 140-144
  9. Khomurjishvili O., Khomerici N. On one Method of Constructing a Difference Scheme for some Eliptical equation Reports Seminar of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics ,Vol.22,Tbilisi of 1993 pp 36-44(in Russian)
  10. Davitashvili T., Dikhaminjia N., Gunava G., Khomurjishvili O.-" Pollutants Transfer in Environment with one new three-dimensional numerical scheme " Reports Seminar of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics Vol.28,Tbilisi of 2002 pp 25-31
  11. Khomurjishvili O.-A three-layer difference schemes for multidimensional hyperbolicc equation of the second order Reports of enlarged sessions of the seminar institute of Applied Mathematics by him (it) I. N. Vekua. Vol 18 N 1 . Tbilisi of 2003 
  12. Khomurjishvili O.-A three-layer difference schemes for multidimensional parabolic equation of the second order Rãports of enlarged sessions of the seminar institute of Applied Mathematics by him (it) I. N. Vekua. Vol 19 N 1 . Tbilisi of 2004