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Numerical Analysis department VIAM TSU
Head of the department Ph.D, Senior Scientific Worker.Professor, Dr.
T Davitashvili
Address: Institute of Applied Mathematics TSU, 2 University, Tbilisi, 0143, Georgia
Phone: (995-32)306-630
E-mail: tedav @viam.hepi.edu.ge
Internet: http://www.viam.hepi.edu.ge/curi/numanalysis/index.htm
History of Department Numerical Analysis
Department was founded in 1969. From 1969 to 1996 Head of the department was Professor, Dr. David Gordeziani
.From 1999 Head of the Department is Professor Ramaz. Bochorishvili.
From 2005 Head of the Department is Professor
Teimuraz Davitashvili i.

Directions Scientific of Research of Department
The main seientific direction of Numerical Anayisies Department of Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics are the followings ::
- Equilibrium schemes with exact maintenance of specific equilibrium states.
- Numerical schemes for PDEs on sphere.
- Locally one dimensional implicit schemes for icosahedral hexagonal mesh, application for data assimilation
- Finite volume schemes for conservation laws.
- Generic finite volume code for simulation engineering.
- Template programming, implementation and testing of different concepts, modules of the code.
- Computing Mathematics and Informatics, Numerical Modeling of Dynamical Problems of Athmosphere and Plasma Physics
- Plasma Physics of thernonuclear fusion deviced; magnetospheric and ionospheric physics; solar physics; nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Weather prediction, Environment pollution, Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations. Mathematical Modeling.
- Use of Numerical Methods in Mathematical Modeling;
- Operational Systems and Algoritmic Lengvieges.
- Numerical Modeling in Medicine.

Structure of department
Laboratory Investigations of extraordinary phenomena
Laboratory Investigations of magnetohydrodynamic processes in plasma
Laboratory of Mathematical Modelling of Hydro-Meteorological Processes

List of Employes