Official adress |
University str.,2,Tbilisi 380043,Georgia
Tel: (995-32) 307-784, (995-32) 304-019
E-mail: peradze@viam.hepi.edu.ge |
Marital status |
Married, one child |
Nationality |
Georgian |
Date of birth |
Born on November 14, 1941 in
Tbilisi, Georgia |
Education |
1959-1965 |
Tbilisi State University, Mathematics Department, Student |
1965-1968 |
Tbilisi State University, Aspirant. |
Degree |
1969 |
Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.).
1992 |
Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (Dr.Hab.)
1993 |
Professor (Full).
Professional Experience |
1968-1971 |
Tbilisi Institute of Mathematics, junior scientist
1971-1973 |
Moscow Institute of ASM, senior scientist
1973-1978 |
Institute of Applied Mathematics of Tbilisi State University, senior scientist |
1978-1980 |
Tbilisi Institute
"Algoritm", Head of laboratory |
1980-up to now |
Tbilisi State University , Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Docent (1980-1992), full Professor (since 1993), Vice-dean of Department (since 1998). |
Scientific Intersts |
Numerical methods, Non-linear boundary value problems of mathematical elasticity
Languages |
Georgian, Russian, English, German. |
Publications |
- J. Peradze-On the norm expectation of error (in Russian), Sybyrsky
Matemat. J. (English transl.: Siberian Math. J.), v. 11.5.p.p. 1188-1190,
Novosibirsk, 1970.
- J. Peradze-One the comparison of probabilistic and stationary estimates of iterative process final error (in Russian), J.
Vich. Matem. Matem. Fizik. (English transl.: J. Comput. Math. Physics), v. 2, N2, p.p. 465-467, Moscow, 1972.
- J. Peradze- Error distribution in the solution of linear equations,
Numer. Funet. Anal. Optimiz., 1(3), p.p.281-287, Newark, USA, 1979.
- J. Peradze- The difference scheme for nonlinear problem of plate bending (in Russian), J.
Vich. Matem. Matem. Fizik. (English transl.: J. Comput. Math. Math. Physics), v.26, N2, p.p. 254-262, Moscow, 1986.
- J. Peradze- A dynamic problem for spherical and cylinder shells (in Russian), Differ.
Uravn. ( English transl.: Differ. Equat.), v. 23, N6, p.p. 1029-1037, Minsk, 1987.
- J. Peradze-Bubnov-Galerkin method for one-dimensional Reissner's system (in Russian ),
Isv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Matem. English transl.: Soviet Math. (Iz. VUZ )), n12, p.p. 47-53,
Kazan, 1991.
- J. Peradze- The dynamic problem for Reissner's one-dimensional system,
Numer. Fun. Anal. Optimiz., v. 12, N5 and 6, 551-562, Newark, USA, 1991.
- J. Peradze-On the occasion of some works about Timoshenko's equations (in Russian), Differ.
Uravn. ( English transl.: Differ. Equat.), v. 28, N4, p.p. 727-728, Minsk, 1992.
- V. Odisharia, J. Peradze- Solvability of a nonlinear problem of Kirchhoff shell, Inst. Math. Its
Appl. Univ. Minnesota, N 1359, p.p. 1-9, Minneapolis, USA, 1995.
- J. Peradze- The numerical method for solving the one-dimensional nonlinear system of Timoshenko (in Russian). Proc. Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, v. 330 (19), p.p. 35-39,
Tbilisi, 1998.
courses |
Computational methods, iteration methods of operator equation solution, numerical methods of solution of ordinary differential equations, projection methods, numerical methods of non-linear boundary value problems of elasticity. |