Official adress |
University st., 2 ,3800043, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel.: (+99532) 30 41 90 (of.) (+99532) 29 38 66 (h.)
E-mail: Tmeu@viam.hepi.edu.ge |
Marital status |
Married ,three children |
Nationality |
Georgian |
Date of birth |
Born on August 17, 1937, Zugdidi, Georgia |
Education |
1955-1960 Tbilisi State University, Mathematics Department, Student
1961-1963 Tbilisi State University, Post-graduate student
1973 Canditate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (Dr.Hab)
1997 Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences
1999 Professor (Full) |
Professional Experience |
1964-1966 |
Tbilisi State University, assistant
1966 up to now |
Tbilisi State University, I Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, research worker, of Dept. Head of Shell Theory,
Membership |
Member of the Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences |
Scientific Intersts |
Three dimensional problems of the Theory elasticity, as well as in linear and non-linear cases.
Theory of non-shallow Shells, as well as in linear and non-linear cases.
Under the non-shallow shells it is meant three dimensional shell-type elastically bodies satisfying the conditions:

and |
are mixed components of the metric tensor and tensor of curvature of the
midsurface of the shell, |
is the thickness coordinate |
is the semi-thickness, depending on curve linear coordinates |
Languages |
Georgian, Russian, English |
Publications |
Number of papers: 52
1. Concentration of Stresses Around Curvlinear Holes in Flates of Variable Thickness (in Russian), Reports of the USSR Academy Sciences, 1971, Moscow, v.198, N4, pp. 794-797.
2. Concentration of Stresses for Anisotropic Shells and Plates (in Russian), 1977, Mechanics Third Congress, Varna, 13-16, IX, pp. 27-32.
3. Some Problems of Stresses Concentration for Anisotropic Plates (Different Theories), in Russian, 1977, Tbilisi State University Publishing House, 20 p.
4. Solution of Some Problems of Stresses Concentration for Anisotropic Plates(in Russian), 1978, Moscow, Publishing House “Nauka”, pp. 391-396. 5. Solution of Problems of the Theory of Plates and Shells by I Vekua (in Russian), 1980, North-Holland Publishiny Company, pp. 669-684.
6. Investigations of Some Problems of the Plates and Shells on the Basis of I.N.Vekua’s Theory,-Works of All-Union Symposium in Tbilisi, 1982, (in Russian) 21-21 IV, pp. 159-174. 7. Meunargia T.V. Development Meyhod of I.N.Vekua for Three Dimensional Problems of the Moment Theory of Elastisity, (in Russian) 1987-Tbilisi State University Publishing House, P 78.
8. Meunargia T.V. Non-Shallow Shella Geeometric Function Theory and Applications of Complex Analysis in Mechanics, e. R.Kuhnaw and Tusche, 1991, pp 181-200.
9. Meunargia T.V. On one Application of the Theory of Function of a Complex Variable for Non-Shallow Spherical Shells. Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I.N.Vekua Institute Applied Mathematics, vol.9 N1-3, 1994, pp 9-16.
10. Meunargia T.V. On Non-linear and Non-Shallow Shells of Variable Thicness. Reports of Englared Session of the Seminar of I.N.Vekua Institute applied Mathematics, vol. 10, N2, 1995 pp. 26-30.
11. Meunargia T.V. On Geometric Non-Linear, Non-Homogeneous and Non-Shallow Anisotropic Shells-Seminar of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, reports, Vol 23, 1997 pp.3-10.
12. Meunargia T.V. On one Application of Complex Variable in the Non-lineal Theory of Plates-Reports of Englared Session of the Seminar of I.N.Vekua Institute applied Mathematics, vol. 13, N1-3, 1998 pp. 32-35.
13. Meunargia T.V. On Two-Dimensional Equations Of the Non-Linear Theory of Shells, Applied Mathematics and Informatics, vol. 3, pp. 84-113, Tbilisi, 1998.
14. Meunargia T.V. On one Method of Construction of Geometrically and physically Non-Linear Theory of Non-Shallow Shells, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of A.Rarmadre Mathematical Institute, vol. 119 Tbilisi, 1999 pp. 133-154.
Main courses |
- Course of mathematical physic
- Course of mathematic for medical
Short courses of:
Tensors calculation,
Theory of Shells
Theory of elasticity