Official adress |
University str.,2,Tbilisi 380043,Georgia
Tel (995-32)304-784, (995-32)717-297 |
Marital status |
Single |
Nationality |
Georgian |
Date of birth |
Born on April 29,1977 in
Tbilisii, Georgia |
Education |
1994-1997 |
Tbilisi State University, Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences Department, Bachelor; |
1997-1999 |
Tbilisi State University,
Magistry; |
Degree |
1998-2000 |
Magistry of Applied Mathematics
Experience |
1997-1999 |
Tbilisi State University, Magistry
2000-presrent |
Tbilisi State University the laboratory assistant
2000-present |
Tbilisi State University assistant of Computing Math.
Scientific Intersts |
I am working on investigation and numerical resolution of multi-dimensional elliptic, parabolic and pluri-parabolic equations with non-classical initial boundary conditions. This type of problems derive from the mathematical modeling of ecological problems, in our certain case, during the mathematical modeling of technological processes of gas external illumination and pollution diffusion in the water streams.
For above mentioned problems there are investigated the following issues:
Uniqueness and existence of solution; construction of iteration procedure which allows on each step of the iteration to solve classical problems instead of non-classical ones; working out numerical algorithms which allow to find the approximate solutions; for some cases constriction of exact solution and
Languages |
Georgian, Russian, English |
Publications |
Number of papers: 7
Selected papers
- H.V. Meladze, E.D. Gordeziani, On investigation of one non-classical initial-boundary value problem, Third International Conference, Finite Difference Schemes, September 1-4, 2000, Palanga, Lithuania, abstracts.
- H.V. Meladze, E.D. Gordeziani, F.C. Torralba, On mathematical modelling and numerical resolution of pollution diffusion in rivers, Geology and computers, Sergey A. Yufin, Editor , A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam.Brookfield/2000.
- N.D. Gordeziani, E.D. Gordeziani, On some generalisation of non-local boundary value problems for elliptic equations, Tbilisi International centre of mathematics nd informatics, I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences,Bulletin of TICMI, Volume 2, 1998, Tbilisi University Press, Tbilisi.
- E.D. Gordeziani, Differential schemes for pluri-parabolic equations,Bulletine of TICMI, Volume 4, 2000, Tbilisi University Press, Tbilisi.
The basic
courses, that have been reading |
I am teaching students of second and third courses the following disciplines: Numerical methods. and Numerical methods. of Linear Algebra |