Official adress |
University str., 2,
Tbilisi 380043 Georgia
Tel: (995-32) 304 - 784, (995-32) 372-019
e-mail: cyber@viam.hepi.edu.ge |
Marital status |
Single |
Nationality |
Georgian |
Date of birth |
Born on June 1, 1969
in June, Georgia |
Education |
1986 - 1991 |
Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Student
1991- 1994 |
Tbilisi State University, Post-graduate student
Professional Experience |
1995 - up to now
Tbilisi State University, Computer Software and Informational Technologies chair, Assistant
Scientific Intersts |
One and two dimensional mathematical models of
The numerical methods for solving the mathematical physics
The convergence subjects of difference schemes.
Languages |
Russian, German |
Publications |
Number of papers: 5
- A. Chanturia, N. Jgamadze, H. Meladze, N.
Skhirtladze – Mathematical modelling of collapse of big volume
mountainous landslide; in Geology and Computers(Proceedings of
the 3d International Conference on Advances of Computer methods
in geotechnical and geoinveronmental engineering, Moscow/ Russia
/ 1-4 February 2000),
- A.A.Balkema, Roterdam/ Brookfield, 2000N.
Skhirtladze, G. Khelidze, A. Chanturia,Mathematical Modelling of
Collapse of Big Volume Landslide Masses, Proceedings of
Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,Vol. 330 (19), 1998
The basic courses, that have been
reading |
- Numerical methods.
- Numerical methods of hydrodynamics
- Mathematical modelling in ecology and