Official adress |
str.,2,Tbilisi 380043,Georgia
E-mail: cyber@viam.hepi.edu.ge |
Marital status |
Married, two children |
Nationality |
Georgian |
Date of birth |
Born of January 15,1949 in Vani, Georgia |
Education |
1967-1972 |
Tbilisi State University,Mathematics Department, Student. |
1974-1977 |
Institut for Socio-Economics Problems of the Academy of Sciences
1982 |
Candidate (Ph.D) |
1992 |
Doctor of Phisical-Mathematical Sciences (Dr.Hab) |
1993 |
Professor (Full) |
Professional Experience |
1972-1974 |
Worsed at the Accounting Centre of the Academy of Sciences of
Georgian SSR
1974-1977 |
Institute for Socio-Economic Problems of the Academy of Sciences
USSR (Leningrad), Aspirant.
1977-1998 |
Kutaisi, Technical University,Assistant,Docent, Professor of
Mathematical Dep. |
1998-up to now |
Tbilisi State University,Computer Software Dep., Professor |
Membership |
Academician, Member of the Georgian Academy of Ecological Sciences |
Scientific Intersts |
work in the following branches of Mathematical Sciences: Operations Research
and Game Theory.
non-coalition and cooperative games are student in my scientific works.
is proved, that in lexicographic non-coalition games the set of equilibrium
situations can be described by means of sets of equilibrium situations of the
corresponding non-coalition subgames of the components. For lexicographic
cooperative games results describing the structure of a set of sharing and
c-Kernel are obtaned.
Languages |
Georgian, Russian |
Publications |
Beltadze G.N.- Sets of equilibrium situations in lexicographic noncoalition
games (in Russian); Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian
SSR.-1980-V.98,num 1.-pp41-44.
Beltadze G.N.- A mixed extension of finite noncoalition lexicographic games
(in Russian); Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1980-V.98,num
Beltadze G.N.-Cooperative games with lexicographic games (in Russian);
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1980-V.99,num
Beltadze G.N.-.On the reduction of the solution of a lexiographic matrix
game to the solution of its square subgame (in Russian); Bulletin of the
Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1981-V.104,num 1.-pp29-32
Beltadze G.N.-. Equilibrium situations in lexicographic bimatrix games
(in Russian); Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1986-V.121,num
Beltadze G.N.-.Analysis of the affine forms in lexiographic games(in Russian);
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1990-V.137,num
Beltadze G.N.-.Lexiographic matrix games and mathematical programming (in
Russian); Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1990-V.137,num
Beltadze G.N.-.About the existence of solutions in the lexiographic differential
games with absolute information (in Russian); Bulletin of the Academy of
Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1990-V.140,num 2.-pp293-296
Beltadze G.N.- Analysis of the infinite dimensional lexiographic games(in
Russian); Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR.-1991-
V.141,num 2.-pp241-244
Topchishvili A.,Beltadze G.- Multicriteria noncooperative games with strictly
ordered criteria (in English); A. Copfert ,J. Seelander, chr. Tammer(Eds).Methods
of multicriterial decision theory.Proceedings of the 6th workshop of the
DGOR Working Group Multicriterial Optimisation and Desicion Theory. Alexisbad
1996. HANSEL-HOHENHAUSEN. Egelbach(Francfurt) Washington.-1997-pp69-86
Topchishvili A.,Beltadze G.- equilibrium situations in lexicographic noncoalition
games (in English); Abstructs.Second International conference in multiobjective
programming.M.O.P.G.P. 96. May 16-18,1996. Malaga, Spain.-p.39
Beltadze G.N.-The theoretical-game model from defend of the earthquare
(in English);Multiple criteria and game problems under uncertainty.Abstructs.The
fourth International Workshop.(8-14 september, 1996.) Moscow-1996.-p141.
Main courses |
- Game
- Mathematical
Models of Social-political system.
strategic non-cooperative and cooperative games are introduced. In the
lexicographic non-cooperative game the set of equilibrium situations can
be described by means of sets of equilibrium situations of the
corresponding non-cooperative subgames of the component. For the
lexicographic cooperative game the concepts of sharing and c-Kernel are
determined analogously to the scalar case. Results describing the
structure of a set of sharing and c-Kernel are obtained.