lectures Prof. G. Giorgadze

Aim of the Conference

Differential geometry has been the source of an original viewpoint to investigate typical questions arising in the control framework: controllability, observability, stabilization, optimal control... Such viewpoint, and the powerful tools developed in its framework, is known as geometric control theory [1,2]. Geometric control theory, in turn, has shown its strengths as an approach to study geometric problems, and in particular sub-Riemannian geometry [3]. The goal of this workshop is to present recent advances sharing this approach, both theoretical and applicative (with a particular emphasis to quantum control).


In the conference, three main lines of research will be presented. They share many common points, especially for what concerns the techniques used to tackle them.


1. Sub-Riemannian geometry from the control viewpoint and applications. We will present recent results concerning sub-Riemannian structures and other generalized Riemannian structures both from the geometric and the analytic viewpoint, focusing on diffusive phenomena

and applications.


2. Structural properties in geometric control. We will present recent contributions to a fundamental problem in geometric control theory, namely, the characterization of invariant quantities and equivalence between control systems. In particular, we will include presentations about the inverse optimal control approach to neurophysiology.


3. Control of quantum dynamics. The goal of quantum control is to design efficient population transfers between quantum states. This task is crucial in atomic and molecular physics, with applications ranging from photochemistry to quantum information, and has attracted increasing attention among quantum physicists, chemists, computer scientists and control theorists alike [4]. Depending on the physical system and on the properties under consideration, a cornucopia of models have been proposed (from low-dimensional conservative ODEs to dissipative systems of PDEs). The conference will include geometric control contributions to the theory of quantum control, both of theoretical, algorithmic, and experimental nature.




[1]  A. Agrachev, Y. Sachkov.   Control theory from the geometric viewpoint. Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 87. Control Theory and Optimization, II. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2004.

[2]  V. Jurdjevic.  Optimal control and geometry: integrable systems. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 154. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016. xx+415 pp.

[3]  A. Agrachev, D. Barilari, and U. Boscain. A Comprehensive Introduction to sub-Riemannian Geometry, volume 181 of Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge, 2020. xviii+746 pp.

[4]  D. D'Alessandro.  Introduction to quantum control and dynamics. Chapman & Hall/CRC Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Science Series. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2008.

xiv+343 pp.


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