Bulletin of TICMI
Volume 8, 2004
Workshop on Orthogonal Polynomials
and Their Applications
22-24 October, 2003, Tbilisi
List of Participants:
G. Avalishvili |
N. Khomasuridze |
M. Avalishvili |
T. Meunargia |
N. Avazashvili |
M. Mosia |
G. Devdariani |
M. Narmania |
D. Gordeziani |
P.E. Ricci |
R. Janjgava |
I. Tavkhelidze |
1200 _ 1330
Opening of WorkshopTHURSDAY, OCTOBER, 23
1100 _ 1150 P.E. Ricci*, P. Natalini. Some applications and extensions of the Bell polynomials.
1200 _ 1255
D. Gordeziani. On the generalized Schrödinger equation.BREAK
1400 _ 1420 G. Avalishvili. Problem of exact controllability of I.Vekua system for elastic prismatic shells.
1430 _ 1450
M. Avalishvili. On one method of construction of mathematical models for multistructures.FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 24
1100 _ 1150
P.E. Ricci*, G. Dattoli. Laguerre-type exponentials, L-circular and L-hyperbolic functions.1200 _ 1250
P.E. Ricci, C. Cassisa, and I. Tavkhelidze*. An operatorial approach to solutions of Boundary Value Problems in the half-plane.BREAK
1400 _ 1450
T. Meunargia. The method of a small parameter for shallow shells.1500 _ 1520
M. Narmania. The solution of some problems of temperature stresses for transtropic plates.1530 _ 1550
G. Devdariani, R. Janjgava*. Derivation of the tension-compression and bending equations of the theory of elastic mixtures for plates and their investigation.1600 _ 1620
N. Khomasuridze. Some limit processes in theory of elasticity and "Saponjian effect".1630 _ 1730
Round Table
A star by an author indicates a speaker