contains information on activities of Tbilisi International Centre of Mathematics and Informatics (TICMI) including peer-reviewed original papers (main articles and short communications) presented at international forums, organized by TICMI, and other submitted peer-reviewed original papers as well.


Editor: G. Jaiani

I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics

Tbilisi State University

11, University St., Tbilisi 0186, Georgia

Tel.: (+995 32) 2 18 80 98

e.mail: giorgi.jaiani@tsu.ge; george.jaiani@gmail.com


International Scientific Committee of TICMI:

Lucian Beznea, Bucharest, Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, e.mail: Lucian.Beznea@imar.ro

Alice Fialowski, Budapest, Institute of Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University, e.mail: fialowsk@cs.elte.hu

George Jaiani (Chairman),Tbilisi, I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University, e.mail: giorgi.jaiani@tsu.ge; george.jaiani@gmail.com

Vakhtang Kvaratskhelia, Tbilisi, N. Muskhelishvili Institute of Computational Mathematics, e.mail: v_kvaratskhelia@yahoo.com

Alexander Meskhi, Tbilisi, A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi State University, e.mail: meskhi@rmi.ge

David Natroshvili, Tbilisi, Georgian Technical University, e.mail: natrosh@hotmail.com

Eugene Shargorodsky, London, King's College London, e.mail: eugene.shargorodsky@kcl.ac.uk


Managing Editor: N. Chinchaladze, e.mail: natlia.chinchaladze@tsu.ge; chinchaladze@gmail.com


English Editor: Ts. Gabeskiria

Technical editorial board:  M. Tevdoradze, M. Sharikadze



Main Articles

Short Communications

Report of TICMI Activities