Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics
VOL 4,N1, 1989
1. Artushin AN. variational inequality for wave equation with restriction in the boundary.5-6.
2. Bakradze G.J. On one nonlocal problem for the first order hiperbolic system. 7-10.
3. Bitsadze R.G. On one variante of characteristic Gursa’s problem for one class equations of nonlinear oscillations. 11-14.
4. Bubnov B.A. Solvability of inerse problem for parabolic equations. 15-18.
5. Vinogradov V.S. About spinor systems. 19-22.
6. Vladimirova N.M. On the solution of one boundary problem for heat equation.23-26.
7. Glazatov S.N. One-sided problem for nonlinear parabolic equation.27-29.
8. Gogolauri L.A. Boundary-contact problems for generalized potential system. 30-33.
9. Jaiani G.V. To the question of behavior os solutions of boundary value problems in the neigborhood of the points of boundary data’s discontinuity. 34-37.
10. Jangveladze T.A. On one system of nonlinear partial differential equations . 38-41.
11. Juraev T.D., Abdinazarov S. On one equation with multiple characteristics.42-45.
12. Egorov Y.V., Kondrat’ev V.A. On the spectrs of arbitrary order’s elliptic operator. 46-49.
13. Jura N.A. Boundary (nonlocal) problem of plane theory of elasticity. 50-54.
14. Il’in A.M., Khudiaev S.I. Asymptotic of nonlinear equation, descripted the wave of combustion. 54-55.
15. Kalashnikov A.S. On the Coshi problem for semilinear parabolic equations in the class of functions with jump. 56-59.
16. Kapanadze D.V. About uniqueness of definition of body by meaning of external potential. 60-62.
17. Kojanov A.I. Estimation of solutions and existence theorems for fourth order elliptic equations with composit operator in principal part. 63-66.
18. Kojevnikov A.N. Asymptotic of the spectrum of elliptic boundary value problems with sprctral parameter in boundary conditions. 67-70.
19. Kondrat’ev V.A., Nikishin V.A. Estimation near the boundary of solutions of boundary value problem for semi-linear elliptic equation.71-74.
20. Magnaradze L.G. Reduction of solutions of some class of the boundary value problem for the linear analitic partial differential equations to the solutions equivalent system of normal type singular integral equations with index zero. 75-78..
Makatsaria G.T. Estimation of the increasing of solutions of degenerate
elliptic systems ’s - form in the neigborhood of origin and at infinity.
22. Meladze G.A. On some class of pseudodifferential operators in the Li groups. 83-86.
23. Palekas E.R. On the solvability of Rimann-Hilbert’s problem for the system of first order multidimentional elliptic equations. 87-90.
24. Radkevich E.V. Asymtotical expantion of solutions of the Stefan’s problem. 91-94.
25. Rudkauskas.S. On the boundary problems for the degenerated in the internal point of domain elliptic equations. 95-98.
26. Soldatov A.P. General boundary problem functions theory in the domains with smooth boundary. 99-103.
27. Sokhadze R.I.. 104-107.
28. Tavkhelidze I.N. Some properties of solutions of the first boundary value problem of poliharmonic equation in unbounded domains.108 – 111.
29. Tarba L.A. About properties of solutions of high order elliptic equations with unbounded Dirichlet’s integral.112-115
30. Kharibegashvili S.S. On the solvabiliti of one characteristic problem for degenerated hyperbolic systems second order.116-119.
31. Khatiashvili N.G. On one plane problem wave theory . 120-123.
32. Tsikhistavi E.E. Spectral asymptotics of polinomials beams of pseudodifferential operators. 124-127.
33. Chakhvadze E.Sh. On the modified Darbu’s problem for one class of degenerated hyperbolic equations with nonlinearity in the princiopal parts. 128-131.
34. Chelkak S.I. On the weak regularity of solutions of quasi-linear elliptic systems.132-135.
35. Chilachava T.I. On the solutions of problem of conjugation for Hemholts equation in nonhomogeneouse spaece.136-139.
36. Shakhbagian R.L. Parametrix elliptic pseudodifferential operators infinit order in half-space. 140-143.
37. Shulaia D.A. Construction of general solution of one linear equation of transfer’s theory .144-147
38. Ebanoidze T.A. Uniqueness theorem for nonlinear integral equastion with fixed singularity. 148-150.
39. Ianushauskas A.I. On the patrtial differential equations with pseudodifferential nonprincipal terms. 151-155.