Reports of Enlarged Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua

Institute of Applied Mathematics

Volume 17, # 1-2, 2002

ISSN 1512-0066

This activity was supported by UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in Europe

20-th course of ISPM (International School in Physics and Mathematics):

"Modern Methods of Functional Analysis"

Organaizing Commitee: D. Gordeziani (Chairman), N. Avazashvili (Secretary),

G. Jaiani, I. Tavkhelidze.

Chairmens of sections: Prof.TMeunargia & Prof. T. Tadumadze

Edited by: Dr.GAkhalaia & Dr.LAlkhazishvili


Programm of the Section of Complex Analysis and its Applications.

Akhalaia G. On One Boundary Value Problem for Generalized Analytic Vectors.

Janjgava R. Some Problems Concentration of Stress for Binary Mixed Plane Domain .

Khatiashvili N. On One Singular Integral Equation.

Meunargia T. On One Application of Complex Analysis in Non-Shallow Shells Theory.

Rokva J. Application of the Analytic Functions for Certain Coefficients of Intensity in Some Problem of Plane Elasticity.

Program of the Section of Ordinary Differencial Equations and Optimal Control Theory.

Alkhazishvili L. The Formulas of Variation of the Solution for One Class Controled System with Delays and with Continuous Initial Condition.

Giorgadze G. On the Quantum Computing Based on the Monodromy Representation.

Jamalli I.E., Ismailov R.R., Mansimov K.B. Singular Controls in Problems of Optimal Control with Various Structure.

Kharatishvili G., Tadumadze T. and Gorgodze N. Dynamic Mathematical Model of Output the Production and Neutral Optimal Problem.

Koplatadze R., Kvinikadze G. On Asymptotic Behaviour of Solutions of Higher Order Linear Differential

Equations with Deviating Arguments.

Koplatadze R. Comparison Theorems for Deviated Difference Equations.

Mania M., Tevzadze R. A Semimartingale Bellman Equation for the Mean-variance Hedging Problem.

Sharifov Y.A. Difference Approximation of Optimal Control Problem for Hyperbolic Systems with Integral Boundary Conditions.

Tsintsadze Z. The Optimal Processes in the Linear Controlled Systems under the Restrictions of "Narrow Place" Type.