C U R R I C U L U M   V I T A E

Sergo Kharibegahvili


A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute

Georgian Academy of Sciences

1, M. Aleksidze Str., Tbilisi 380093


E-mail: khar@rmi.acnet.ge



PERSONAL  DATA             

Date of Birth:      20.01.1953

Place of Birth:    Telavi, Georgia

Nationality:   Georgian

Marital Status:   Married, two children




1969-1974                   Student of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

June, 1974                   Diploma (M.D.) in Mathematics

1974-1976                   Probationer–researcher of the V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute

of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

1976-1979                   Post-graduate student of the same department

May, 1980                   Candidate of Physical & Mathematical Sciences (Ph. D. in Mathematics),

the same department

December, 1987          Doctor of Physical & Mathematical Sciences (Doct. Hab.), 

A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Georgian Academy of Sciences




Georgian, Russian, English




1980-1985                   Junior Researcher at the Department of Partial Differential Equations

of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics of Tbilisi State University

1985-1988                   Senior Researcher at the same department

1988-1992                   Leading Researcher at the same department

1992-1993                   Professor of the Department of Mathematics (99) at the Georgian

Technical University, Tbilisi


1993-1998                   Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics (4) at the Georgian

Technical University, Tbilisi

1998 - present              Leading Researcher at the A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of Georgian

Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi




1990-1992                   Part-Time Professor (half of the full staff) of the Department

of Mathematics (99) at the Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi

1993 - present              Chief Researcher (half of the full staff) at the Department of Partial

Differential Equations of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics

of Tbilisi State University

1999 - present              Part-Time Professor (half of the full staff) of the Department of Differential

and Integral Equations of Tbilisi State University




Partial Differential Equations. Boundary Value and Mixed problems for Linear Hyperbolic

Partial Differential Equations and Systems




1993-1994                   Scientific Secretary of Presidium of Georgian Mathematical Union

1994-1997                   Vise-President of Georgian Mathematical Union

February, 1997            N. Muskhelishvili Prize Laureate of the Georgian Academy of Sciences




  1. The characteristic problem for hyperbolic second order systems with constant coefficients. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 14(1978), No. 1, 123-135; English transl.: Differ. Equations 14(1978), No. 1, 87-96.
  2. The characteristic problem for second order strictly hyperbolic systems with two independent variables. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 15(1979), No. 1, 142-152; English transl.: Differ. Equations 15(1979), No. 1, 99-106.
  3. A problem of Goursat type for a certain class of hyperbolic systems. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 17(1981), No. 1, 157-164; English. transl.: Differ. Equations 17(1981), No. 1, 110-115.
  4. 4. Goursat problem for a class of systems of second order hyperbolic equations. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 18(1982), No. 1, 152-166; English transl.: Differ. Equations 18(1982), No. 1, 131-142.
  5. Solvability of a Goursat problem for second order normally hyperbolic systems with variable coefficients. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 19(1983), No. 1, 137-145; English transl.: Differ. Equations 19(1983), No. 1, 114-123.
  6. On some boundary value problem for normally hyperbolic systems of second order. (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 116(1984), No. 2, 269-272.
  7. About the solvability of some boundary value problem for linear normally hyperbolic second order systems with variable coefficients. (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 116(1984), No. 3, 477-480.
  8. On some higher dimensional problem of Goursat type for strictly hyperbolic systems of second order. (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 117(1985), No. 1, 37-40.
  9. Characteristic problem for a class of second order hyperbolic systems with parabolic degeneration. (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 117(1985), No. 2, 261-263.
  10. On the solvability of a class of degenerate functional equations. (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 117(1985), No. 3, 497-499.
  11. On a boundary value problem for a second order hyperbolic equation. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 280(1985), No. 6, 1313-1316; English. transl.: Sov. Math., Dokl. 31(1985), 250-252.
  12. A boundary value problem for second order normally hyperbolic systems with variable coefficients. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 21(1985), No. 1, 149-155; English transl.: Differ. Equations 21(1985), No. 1, 121-126.
  13. A characteristic problem for a class of second order hyperbolic systems with a parabolic degeneration. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 22(1986), No. 1, 153-164; English transl.: Differ. Equations 22(1986), No. 1, 122-131.
  14. Solvability of a boundary value problem for second order hyperbolic equations. (Russian) Trudy Inst. Prikl. Mat. Im. I. N. Vekua 19(1987), 122-173.
  15. Solvability of a characteristic problem for degenerate second order hyperbolic systems. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 25(1989), No. 1, 154-162; English transl.: Differ. Equations 25(1989), No.1, 123-131.
  16. The characteristic problem for a class of second order hyperbolic systems with degeneration of the type and order. (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 135(1989), No. 2, 269-271.
  17. Characteristic problem for a class of second order hyperbolic systems with type-changes on characteristics. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 26(1990), No. 2, 305-313; English transl.: Differ. Equations 26(1990), No. 2, 235-242.
  18. On a characteristic problem for second order hyperbolic systems with degeneration of type and order. (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 140(1990), No. 1, 29-31.
  19. On a spatial problem for high order strictly hyperbolic systems in several independent variables. (Russian) Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 146(1992), No. 1, 478-481.
  20. On the correct formulation of one multidimensional problem for strictly hyperbolic equations of higher order. Proc. Georgian Acad. Sci., Math. 1(1993), No. 2, 159-169.
  21. On the correct formulation of a multidimensional problem for strictly hyperbolic equations of higher order. Georgian Math. J. 1(1994), No. 2, 141-150.
  22. On a spatial problem of Darboux type for a second order hyperbolic equation. Georgian Math. J. 2(1995), No. 3, 299-311.
  23. On the solvability of a spatial problem of Darboux type for the wave equation. Georgian Math. J. 2(1995), No. 4, 385-394.
  24. Goursat and Darboux type problems for linear hyperbolic partial differential equations and systems. Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. 4(1995), 1-127.
  25. On the solvability of a Darboux type non-characteristic spatial problem for the wave equation. Georgian Math. J. 3(1996), No. 1, 59-68.
  26. On a Darboux type multidimensional problem for second order hyperbolic systems. Georgian Math. J. 3(1996), No. 4, 363-378.
  27. On the solvability of the multidimensional version of the first Darboux problem for a model second-order degenerating hyperbolic equation. Georgian Math. J. 4(1997), No. 4, 341-354.
  28. On the solvability of a multidimensional version of the Goursat problem for a second order hyperbolic equation with characteristic degeneration. Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. 11(1997), 89-103.
  29. To the theory of boundary value problems for hyperbolic type equations and systems (with J. Gvazava). Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. 12(1997), 68-75.
  30. On some multidimensional versions of a characteristic problem for second order degenerating hyperbolic equations. Georgian Math. J. 5(1998), No. 2, 139-156.
  31. On some boundary value problems for an ultrahyperbolic equation. Georgian Math. J. 5(1998), No. 4, 341-360.
  32. Boundary value problems for a class of systems of second order partial differential equations. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 34(1998), No. 1, 114-122; English transl.: Differ. Equations 34(1998), No. 1, 117-125.
  33. On the solvability of some multidimensional versions of the Goursat problem for a first order hyperbolic system. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 35(1999), No. 8, 1112-1121.
  34. On the formulation of characteristic problems for first order symmetric hyperbolic systems. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 36(2000), No. 8, 1113-1122.
  35. Direct and inverse fluid-structure interaction problems (with D. Natroshvili and Z. Tediashvili). Rend. Mat. Appl. (7) 20(2000), 57-92.
  36. On a vibration of elastic cusped burs (with G. Jaiani). Bull. TICMI 4(2000), 24-28.
  37. A multidimensional version of the first Darboux problem for a second order degenerating hyperbolic equation. Appl. Math. Inform. 5 (2000), No. 1, 66-76.
  38. Some mathematical problems related to the first approximation of  I. Vekua's theory for cusped prismatic shells (with G. Devdariani, G. Jaiani, D. Natroshvili). Appl. Math. Inform. 5(2000), No. 2, 26-46.
  39. Dynamical problems in the (0,0) and (1,0) approximations of a mathematical model of cusped bars (with G. Jaiani). Functional-analytic and Complex Methods, Interactions, and Applications to Partial Differential Equations. Proceedings of the International Graz Workshop (Graz, Astrie, 12-16, February), 188-247, World Scientific, 2001.
  40. On the solvability of some boundary value problems for symmetric first order hyperbolic systems in a dihedral angle. Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. 27(2002), 115-144.
  41. On the correct formulation of some nonlocal problems for the wave equations. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 39(2003), No. 4, 539-553.
  42. On the correct formulation of some boundary value problems for symmetric hyperbolic systems of first order in a dihedral angle. Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. 29(2003), 1-30.
  43. Hierarchical models for elastic cusped plates and beams (with G. Jaiani, D. Natroshvili, and W. L. Wendland). Lect. Notes TICMI 4 (2003), 1-121.
  44. A multidimensional version of the Darboux problem for a model egenerating second order d hyperbolic equation. (Russian) Differentsial'nye Uravneniya 40 (2004), No. 4, 565-573; English transl.: Differential Equations 40 (2004), No. 4, 610-619.
  45. On some boundary value problems for a class of hyperbolic systems of second order in a conic domains. Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. (to appear).