Khimuri Rukhaia
Name: Khimuri Rukhaia
Date and place of birth: 5 October 1946, Martvili, Georgia
Nationality: Georgian
Address: I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics
Tbilisi State University, 2 University St.
380043,Tbilisi, Georgia
E-mail: rukhaia@viam.
Tel : (+995 32) 30 35 81(w) (+995 32) 31 68 25(h)
In 1968 graduated Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
Specializacion: Mathematical Logic
Degree: Candidate of Phisical and Mathematical Sciences, 1980
Thesis: On One System of Reducing Symbols, Leningrad State University (in Russian).
Supervisor: SH. Pkhakadse.
Current Position: Head of the Department of Mathematikal Logic and Methodology at the I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University
Area of Research: Classical Mathematical Logic. Logic Programing, Artificial Intelligence
Fluent in Georgian (mother tongue), Russian; reading knowledge of German and English
Selected Publications
1.Some Property of Operatorts; Proceedings of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics; Investigations in Mathematical Logic and Theory of Algorithms; TSU; 1975
2. On One Formal Theory; Investigations in Mathematical Logic and Theory of Algorithms; TSU; 1977
3. About One Generalization Of The Formal Theory; Investigations in Mathematical Logic and Theory of Algorithms; TSU; 1977
4. On One Formal Equality Theory; Investigations in Mathematical Logic and Theory of Algorithms;5. 5. J, bydfhbfynyjcnb cjrhfof.ob[ cbv,jkjd Изд ИК АИ YCCR, Киев; тезиси докладов всесаюзтий симрозиум Искуствений инт и автоматическое иследование математике 1978
6. A Duality Theorem. Studia Logic,1978
7. Об одном варианте теории обозначенииi; Jena, ; тезиси докладов всесаюзтий симрозиум International Frege-Konference in lLogic,1979
8. On One Variant of Theory Extended With Reducing Symbols, Wissenschaftliche Beitrage der Friedrich Schiller University,Jena,1979,pp.365-381(In Russian).
9. About One System Of The Contracted Symbols; LSU; Autoreferat; 1980
10. The Description Of The Derived Formal Mathematical Theory; Procedings of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics;TSU;1982.
11. About Theorie With Substitution Operators. The Theventh International Conference in Mathematical Logic, Novosimbirsk, 1984.
12. Отчети по НИР. N3/3583; N3/3568; 1984
13 Некаторие своиства операторов постановки Сообщениа АН ГССР 119 #3 1975
14. Ntjhbf j, jnyfcbntkmyjq ytghjnbhjxbdjcnb T- bcxbcktybz. Bpl. BVCJ FY CCCH ufptnb ljrk всесаюзyий rjyath gj ghbrk kjubr. 1985
15. ob odnom teoreme teorii c operatorami podstanovki; tesic dokladov VII bcrecaiuznii konferencia po teoretical kibernetiki; Irkutsk; 1985.
16. Some Properties Of Substitucion Operators. Bulletin of the Academy of sciences of the Georgian Ssr, 119,N3, 1985,485-487.
17. Description Of The Formal Mathematical Theory With Substitution Operators; Procedings of I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics;TSU;1985
18. Ecjdthotycndjdfybt b hfpdbnbt ntjhbb j,jpyfxtybb lkz vfntvfnbxtcrb[ b bcrecndtyb[ zpbrjd b bcktljdfybt ytrjnjhs[ djghjcjd j,otq ajhvfkyjq ntjrbb vyj;tcnd , N80077129; 1985
19. Nt[ybxtcrjt lbfuyjcnbhjdfybe rjynhjktghbujlys[ cbcntv; Hjcnjdcrjuj Ujc By;-cnhjbntkcndbq bycnbnen ; vt;l c, Djghjcs nt[ybxtccrbq lbfuyjcnbrbi; 1986.
20. Hjl[jl r hjcnhjtybt lbcrhtnys[ cbcntv hjpbcbb b[ rjynhjktghbujlyjcnbi; BCCR; тезиси докладов gj nt[ybxtcrjq rjyathtycbb; 1987.
21. (with N. Novikov)The Elements Of Parafas Logic;1989
22. (with N. Novikov and K. Pkhakadse ). The Elements Of Parafaz Logic and Its Application. Tbilisi State University. 1989. (209 pages. In Russian).
23. o sinteze matematicheskix iskutstvennix iazikov; Bolgograd; tezis dokladov IX bsesaiuznii konferencia po teoreticheskoi kibernetiki; 1990.
23.(with Pkhakadze Sh.) Logic-Foundacion Of Assertional Programming;( Reports of Session of the Seminar of I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Vol.10.N 3.1995)
24. On One Artificial Theory. Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 1, 1996
25.( with L. Tibua) Programing in Language of t- Logic; (International Conference, Novosimbirsk,1999)
26. (with L. Tibua ) One Version of Programming According to Logic t- Language (TIGMI, volume 4,200)
27.(with L.Tibua) A Problem in Mechanical Theorem Proving;(LPAR, 2002)
[1] Pkhakadze K.Sh., Rukhaia Kh. Novikov N.N.;Grishutkin A.H. Decryptor with control,1989.
[2] Pkhakadze K.Sh., Rukhaia Kh. Novikov N.N.;Grishutkin A.H. Para-phase triger,1989.
[3] Rukhaia Kh. Novikov N.N.; Romanenko I.A. Ecnhjbcndj lkz rjynhjkz lbcrhtnys[ jmbtrnjd; A.C.1287187 CCCR ; ,bektnby N4; 1989
[4] Rukhaia Kh. Novikov N.N.;Cfvjlbfuyjcnbhetvs gfhfafpybq tktvtyn I. A.C. 1501060 CCCR. <bektnby N 30.
[5] Rukhaia Kh. Novikov N.N. Ecnhjbcndj lkz rjynhjkz ijnxbrjd; A.C. 1548787 CCCR; <bektnby N9.
[6] Rukhaia Kh. Novikov N.N.;Grishutkin A.H Vyjujaeyrcbjyfkybq gfhfafpybq kjubxtcrbq vjlek; A.C.1621017; <bektnby N2
Member: The Georgian Math. Union