Estimates of the stabilization rate asof solutions of the nonlinear
integro-differential diffusion system
Jangveladze T., Kiguradze Z.
Article (pdf) Abstract.................................................... 1
First- and second-order accuracy implicit difference schemes for the
Charney-Obukhov equation
Kaladze T., Rogava J., Tsamalashvili L., Tsiklauri M.
Article (pdf) Abstract.................................................... 20
Information modelling in statistics. Semimartingale with small noise and
robust parameter estimation
Meladze G.
Article (pdf) Abstract.................................................... 40
A posteriori error estimation for hp-approximation of the 3D-based
first order shell model. Part 2. Implementation aspects
Zboiński G.
Article (pdf) Abstract.................................................... 58
On one numerical method for some singular minimization problems
Zhuzhunashvili A., Tvalodze Yu.
Article (pdf) Abstract.................................................... 84
Abstracts (Georgian) ........................................................ 97